Way go "randomly-selected" 12-year-old! 'Sorry about the "hanging chads" in the wheels. There wasn't time to punch them out here before the UPS deadline.
BTW, I've added some more to the "design diary" in post #4.
Thanks to Phil. He finished this project according to a very short schedule with no lead time. And I'm sure he had other projects in process. It might be interesting for everybody to know how much time these "little" projects actually consume - maybe Phil should renew his passport before he sends an invoice so he can hide in Canada. Sometimes getting it right takes a lot more time, even if it's "simple".
I think these little badges have a bill of materials cost under $2.75 so our customers should be able to get them for less than five bucks, or a ten-pack for $50.
In my opinion, you picked the right man for the job, and I must say he did a fantastic job. And of course I am sure Parallax was quite confident in his abilities, which is why he was picked in the first place. I am also certain that when it comes to future "brain dead simple projects", he will be at the top of your list
I am also quite sure that it was a very time consuming and tedious project. Just so I am clear, I was not belittling Phil or his abilities. Actually quite the opposite. I was however taking a poke at Parallax for the "simple" project.
Try clearing your cache or doing a page reload. Either that, or right-click on the "broken image" icon, if there is one, and select 'reload image." They're showing up fine on my computer.
I right clicked to copy the link of one of the images and pasted it to the address bar, which resulted in an "invalid attachment" from parallax. I then tested it with a visible pic with no problem.
Oh Smile, my bad. Try it now. I'm caching images for this thread in the Test Forum so the thumbnails don't interrupt the flow. But I forgot to do a Save Changes to secure the last two uploaded images, and they apparently expired. 'Sorry.
Great work, Laser Lama. Please assemble the battalion to remove hanging wheel chads and insert these in bags for worldwide deployment. Use more material next time, Laser Lama - this is government work!
Roger that paraMama-
(resetting utilization factor from 99.8% down to standard gov't rate of 17%)
...this should take a while...don't want to be too efficient in making it inefficient.
If you have any of them there kits left over, Hackerspace Charlotte will be happy to take them to Maker Faire NC and run a soldering camp for kids to assemble them at our booth.
He looks a lot like Ken. Did the 12 year old anonymous kid get any of your three birthday cakes?
By the way, Happy Belated Birthday Matt!!!
BTW, I've added some more to the "design diary" in post #4.
This is sweet for you to do and the kids will love it. Nice work. Thanks Parallax also for letting Phil do the simple stuff and taking on this project
I agree. Thanks Parallax
Thanks to Phil. He finished this project according to a very short schedule with no lead time. And I'm sure he had other projects in process. It might be interesting for everybody to know how much time these "little" projects actually consume - maybe Phil should renew his passport before he sends an invoice so he can hide in Canada. Sometimes getting it right takes a lot more time, even if it's "simple".
I think these little badges have a bill of materials cost under $2.75 so our customers should be able to get them for less than five bucks, or a ten-pack for $50.
Ken Gracey
In my opinion, you picked the right man for the job, and I must say he did a fantastic job. And of course I am sure Parallax was quite confident in his abilities, which is why he was picked in the first place. I am also certain that when it comes to future "brain dead simple projects", he will be at the top of your list
I am also quite sure that it was a very time consuming and tedious project. Just so I am clear, I was not belittling Phil or his abilities. Actually quite the opposite. I was however taking a poke at Parallax for the "simple" project.
The images on Post #4 are not showing up.
Try clearing your cache or doing a page reload. Either that, or right-click on the "broken image" icon, if there is one, and select 'reload image." They're showing up fine on my computer.
I right clicked to copy the link of one of the images and pasted it to the address bar, which resulted in an "invalid attachment" from parallax. I then tested it with a visible pic with no problem.
+1 I'm also getting Bupkis.
Working A-okay
"Test S2 Wheel Array attached to this communique sir...over..."
"That's a Pot-Load Private! How many ya' got?"
"2,120 per sheet Sir!"
"Laser Llama out"
***end transmission***
Over and out Laser Lama,
(resetting utilization factor from 99.8% down to standard gov't rate of 17%)
...this should take a while...don't want to be too efficient in making it inefficient.
'Brilliant modification of the lead former/battery remover tool to punch out hanging chads! I like it!
If you have any of them there kits left over, Hackerspace Charlotte will be happy to take them to Maker Faire NC and run a soldering camp for kids to assemble them at our booth.
Makerfaire NC is June 16th 2012.
Of course we'll support HS and MFaire!
PM me with some contact information.