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Robotics Merit Badge - BOE-Bot construction guide — Parallax Forums

Robotics Merit Badge - BOE-Bot construction guide

rcricercrice Posts: 7
edited 2012-02-11 23:04 in Robotics
Starting to really work on the robotics merit badge program.

Here is the first product - a robot assembly guide.

The idea is that a set of focused instructions are a good plan, since a merit badge "class" is a short term event, not a continuing program like an after-school club. This will enable Scouts to get the basic robot built and ready to program in a manageable amount of time. Since we will have limited time, I wanted to build a set of instructions that Scouts would (I hope) be able to follow on their own, with minimal adult coaching.

My 13 year old son was my beta tester. He's played with my Boe-bot and programmed it. He'd never built the BOE-Bot. He flushed out several points where the instructions were iffy.

This covers assembly of the BOE-bot chassis, including integration of the servomotors, wheels & homework board, as well as a quick communications test of the board. (Sensors will be added as a separate step, and covered in a separate book).

Using these instructions, my son went from a pile of parts to an assembled BOE-bot kit, ready to program in just under an hour. (Including one break for oreos and one break to go harass the little brother).



  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,558
    edited 2012-02-11 23:04
    Excellent rcrice! ... I will pass this information along to one of our local troops that I gave a presentation to last November! Thanks!
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