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Problems reading distance with ping sensor — Parallax Forums

Problems reading distance with ping sensor

FranciscoTavaresFranciscoTavares Posts: 27
edited 2012-02-11 09:55 in Accessories
I´m using a educational board with a bs2 and a ping sensor.
I downloaded and modified an example and it worked fine. Boe-bot was able to measure distances about 30 cm and navigated through obstacles.
Suddenly it stoped working and I had to modify the sw for distances about 14 cm.
Boe-bot now navigates choosing paths that don´t have obstacles around 14 cm. Initially this distance was 30 cm.
My batteries are new ones. I create a simple sw just to show the distances without moving the ping sensor. It is able to measure any distance smaller than 14 cm but not beyound this value.
I believe that my sensor is defective.
Did anyone have a problem like this before?


  • FranciscoTavaresFranciscoTavares Posts: 27
    edited 2012-02-10 05:13
    There was a person in an arduino forum with the same problem. He replaced ping sensor because the old one was damaged.
    I sure that my sensor is damaged as well.
  • GeorgeCollinsGeorgeCollins Posts: 132
    edited 2012-02-11 09:55
    It would be good to see how you modified the software in case there is a bug. The most common failure I have seen for Ping sensors is that they break from too much voltage. When this happens the light does not go on. Getting the wrong distance reading is in my experience usually a software problem, but anything is possible.
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