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Linking XBee to Altimeter — Parallax Forums

Linking XBee to Altimeter

s_butcher11s_butcher11 Posts: 4
edited 2012-02-08 14:42 in Accessories
Ok I've been working on a project for a rocket that I am helping design for my senior design class at Texas A&M and was directed here to ask a question about the XBee unit I am planning on using. I will be using a pair of XBee PRO 60mW Wire Antenna units to do an active downlink from my rockets altimeter to a computer at our launch site. The unit that is onboard the rocket was recommended to be attached to a XBee SIP Adapter and then attached to my Stratologger altimeter. My question is, how would the XBee and the adaptor be powered and would the regulator be able to handle a mostly continuous stream of data being transmitter by the atimeter and XBee. The coresponding items are linked below


SIP Adaptor

Thanks for the help.


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