Overclock & FullduplexSerial Object
I've put together a couple of Propeller Apps that use the serial port exclusively to communicate with a Windows App using the Windows serial API which has specific baud rate values. I am currently useing the Propelller running with a 5 MHz crystal. I'm about to start to experimenting with over-clocking the Propeller and would like to know what, if any, changes that I need to the make to the FullDuplexSerial spin object ( or other spin serial objects) to get make sure things continue working properly. I believe the Propeller baud rate is based upon the sysem clock thus may need a 'tweeking' somewhere to get the correct baud rate. I am currently working reliably with a 115200 baud rate.
I'm not looking to overclock drastically. The postings I have seen suggest that a 6.25 MHz Crystal replacement will yield a 100 MHz Propeller and seems to be reliable. I have a couple of the 6.25 MHz crystals to start experimenting with. I also have a couple of 6.144 Mhz Crystals which would produce a 98.304 Mhz Propeller (an odd frequency to work with but may be managable -- that's why it's called experimenting). If the 100 Mhz propeller functions reliably, the 98.304 Mhz should work well also but may make other timing difficult.
The Windows API apparently supports a baud rate at least twice 115200 baud. I would also like to increase the Propeller ouput baud rate, if possible, and would apperciate any pointers to accoplish that. I don't believe just overclocking the Propelleer will lead to an incrase in the baud rate but may be a necessary first step. Any suggestions or comments??
I'm not looking to overclock drastically. The postings I have seen suggest that a 6.25 MHz Crystal replacement will yield a 100 MHz Propeller and seems to be reliable. I have a couple of the 6.25 MHz crystals to start experimenting with. I also have a couple of 6.144 Mhz Crystals which would produce a 98.304 Mhz Propeller (an odd frequency to work with but may be managable -- that's why it's called experimenting). If the 100 Mhz propeller functions reliably, the 98.304 Mhz should work well also but may make other timing difficult.
The Windows API apparently supports a baud rate at least twice 115200 baud. I would also like to increase the Propeller ouput baud rate, if possible, and would apperciate any pointers to accoplish that. I don't believe just overclocking the Propelleer will lead to an incrase in the baud rate but may be a necessary first step. Any suggestions or comments??
As long as you define your clock constants correctly, the serial driver should compute the timing needed at various baud rates for you.
A lot (most) have this kind of calculation. This is from Parallax Serial Terminal.
I've noticed the name "bit_ticks" or a similar name is pretty universal for the number of clock cycles per bit of data sent or received. I suppose it would be nice (as in, it would work better), at very fast baud rates, if the clock frequency was divisible by "baudrate".