Strings and programming Serial vs. parallel LCD with BS2?
I have 2 x 16 parallel LCD displays (surplus). I'm just now learning to use them. At this initial stage, I'm using Pins 0 - 7 for data and Pins 8 - 10 for control signals. It would appear that I have to hardcode each character into an array, as in the following:
display(0) = "A"
display(1) = "B"
display(2) = "C"
Then FOR...NEXT it to the display.
If I were to use SEROUT, I could just type the whole message in one string and build a hardware interface. Except I would have to account for a delay between each character and synch the control signals to fire during that delay. Not particulary where I would like to go.
Programatically, are there ways to manipulate strings and arrays in PBasic that I'm missing or is this just a fact of life considering they are parallel displays and I'm using a BS2?
32 instructions for each message [if I used every location for each message] could get expensive in terms of instruction count.
Or maybe store the messages in EPROM and pull them out with a single routine and a message index?
display(0) = "A"
display(1) = "B"
display(2) = "C"
Then FOR...NEXT it to the display.
If I were to use SEROUT, I could just type the whole message in one string and build a hardware interface. Except I would have to account for a delay between each character and synch the control signals to fire during that delay. Not particulary where I would like to go.
Programatically, are there ways to manipulate strings and arrays in PBasic that I'm missing or is this just a fact of life considering they are parallel displays and I'm using a BS2?
32 instructions for each message [if I used every location for each message] could get expensive in terms of instruction count.
Or maybe store the messages in EPROM and pull them out with a single routine and a message index?
This is acceptable and easy enough for my purposes [until I move on and upgrade to bigger, badder BS's].