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4-Directional Tilt Sensor and Angle Measurement — Parallax Forums

4-Directional Tilt Sensor and Angle Measurement

drmynattdrmynatt Posts: 20
edited 2012-02-05 09:05 in Accessories
Hi group- I have an 8ft TVRO dish that I need to measure the angle of so I can set the dish to a precise elevation angle. Will the 4-Directional Tilt Sensor and a STAMP micro provide 1/2 degree resolution? Has anyone used the 4-Directional Tilt Sensor in a anglular measurement project?




  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2012-02-05 08:49
    drmynatt wrote: »
    ...I need to measure the angle of so I can set the dish to a precise elevation angle....

    Hi Dave,

    The tilt sensor documents say this:

    ....The 4-Directional Tilt Sensor is a perfect accelerometer replacement in those applications which may not need precise angular feedback....

    ...New locations are triggered when the sensor is rotated roughly 30° toward the new position...

    So I'm just guessing that you won't be able to get the kind of precision you need from this. It's probably too coarse. On the other hand, perhaps normal accelerometers could work and perhaps(???) you would need a compass module, too, in order to get the orientation.
  • drmynattdrmynatt Posts: 20
    edited 2012-02-05 09:05
    ...New locations are triggered when the sensor is rotated roughly 30° toward the new position...

    I did not see this.

    Case closed. Accel needed.

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