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AutoCAD 123D Free 3D design software, users? What about Solidworks Draftsight? — Parallax Forums

AutoCAD 123D Free 3D design software, users? What about Solidworks Draftsight?

WBA ConsultingWBA Consulting Posts: 2,933
edited 2012-03-05 07:11 in Robotics
I just found out about the free 3D design software AutoCAD 123D. It looks very promising for use in conjunction with my new Epilog Laser. Is anyone using 123D already?

Also, I discovered Solidworks Draftsight during an upgrade of my Solidworks eDrawings viewer. It looks like a really nice 2D CAD application and it's free as well.


  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2012-02-04 18:16
    Even though I have AutoCAD, Inventor, SolidWorks, TurboCad and others I find that I use SketchUp more than anything else. I just upgraded to SketchUp Pro so I see myself using it even more.

    I have used the AutoCAD 123d Make slicing program too. If they make some improvements it will be a really great program to use with the laser. Right now it is a bit of a novelty and not too useful for for doing anything that requires precision. It's also Mac only.

    For your amusement, below is a robot I've just started to design in SketchUp that uses the Vex mecanum wheels.
    850 x 461 - 49K
  • jrjr.jrjr. Posts: 45
    edited 2012-03-05 01:00
    ""I have used the AutoCAD 123d Make slicing program too. If they make some improvements it will be a really great program to use with the laser. Right now it is a bit of a novelty and not too useful for for doing anything that requires precision.
    <<It's also Mac only.>>""

    Big as Life. Plain as day, X86.

    Autodesk123 Beta, Win x86 32 & 64 staring you in the face.

    I'm kinda miffed, since I bypassed this initially because of this misinformation.

    Now I have to wonder on the 'no precision' claim as well as the 'novelty' claim.

    I expect it will work FINE.


  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2012-03-05 03:44
    ""I have used the AutoCAD 123d Make slicing program too. If they make some improvements it will be a really great program to use with the laser. Right now it is a bit of a novelty and not too useful for for doing anything that requires precision.
    <<It's also Mac only.>>""

    Big as Life. Plain as day, X86.

    Autodesk123 Beta, Win x86 32 & 64 staring you in the face.

    I'm kinda miffed, since I bypassed this initially because of this misinformation.

    Now I have to wonder on the 'no precision' claim as well as the 'novelty' claim.

    I expect it will work FINE.




    There is no mis-information. Everything I wrote is 100% correct. Perhaps you are confusing 123D with 123D Make. They are different programs that do different things.

    As I write this 123D Make is no longer available, the beta ended at the end of Feb. For now, they only offer an online web based version which is not even as good as the expired beta was. Hopefully soon they will release a new downloadable version.
  • jrjr.jrjr. Posts: 45
    edited 2012-03-05 07:11
    123D, 123D Make,

    never mind,

    Emily Litella
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