El Jugador problem.....
So I got my el Jugador module working. It outputs video fine, and I downloaded and wrote out the code for the light cycles demo, but I can't get the controller to work. Do any NES gamepads work, or just official ones?
I'm really confused here.
If you socket aren't soldered to the PCB, the connections aren't always going to be connected. They might look okay when you hold a volt meter against it, but probably because of the extra presure your adding while measuring.
Do yourself a big favor and solder the sockets in place.
Is the controller supposed to be a NES clone? Did/does it have the same connector as a NES. The wire colors don't really mean anything. The clone may use different wire colors and still work fine.
When you say the "pinout is weird" does this mean it doesn't have the same kind of connector as a NES controller? It this case, I think you'd be right in assuming it wouldn't work the same as a NES controller.