Propeller DIP and Quad pack
Dear Members!
I have successfully run a display program using propeller (DIP package) that was available on propeller professional development board. I failed to run the same program on another propeller proto board that uses quad flat propeller packagae.
I have used same I/O pins for output and input in both cases to make sure the perfect match..... Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I have successfully run a display program using propeller (DIP package) that was available on propeller professional development board. I failed to run the same program on another propeller proto board that uses quad flat propeller packagae.
I have used same I/O pins for output and input in both cases to make sure the perfect match..... Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Were you over-clocking the Propeller?
A schematic, code and pictures of the two set ups would be very helpful.
I've read that some forum members have had better success with over-clocking DIP chips than the other Propeller packages. I find it hard to believe there are many applications were the chip's package would make a much of a difference. I'd think the length of traces and wires would be a more likely source of performance variation.
The track length and straightness doesn't matter.
Is it the USB version of the proto board? If so you have to provide separate power, despite the FT232 USB chip and its LEDs being powered by the USB from your computer, the rest of the board needs a separate power input to the USB jack. Are you able to load the program successfully, and write it to EEPROM?
Tell us more I'm sure we can get you up and running
I used 4 control I/O pind for R/W, RS, Enable and Back light display control while 8 I/O lines for parallel 8-bit data. It is quite straight forward design and is working on propeller professional development board. And yes I am successful in dowloading the program into Propeller proto board (quad) setup.
What I/O pins did you choose for your I/O? Is your display cable long or short from the propeller board?
I/O 1--8, 13,14, 15 and 17.
If that 16 way bus cable is longer than 1 foot or so, and you're trying to drive it fast, the capacitance of the cable might be low pass filtering the data and strobe signals you send out. You could try running slower (PLL1x etc) just to see if it comes right again.
Also your bus I/O you say 1-8 - just remember the first pin on the propeller is "P0" and its common to hook an 8 bit bus up to P0~P7. You can of course use P1~P8 if you prefer, but I'm just making sure you don't have a simple offset in your program that could explain why it's not talking.