Quickstart Board reboots when PC GUI program starts and stops
I am currently using the USB port on the Quickstart board to provide a serial communication channel to a GUI program written with JAVA. It seems that when I start my GUI program and when I stop my GUI program the Quickstart board will go into a reset condition and the Quickstart restarts my program. When I start the GUI program, the Quickstart board will reboot, then my GUI works fine with communicating to Quickstart board. Then when I exit my program, I am closing my serial port and the Quickstart reboots again. Is this due to the connecting and disconnecting of the serial port in my GUI program? I thought I saw the same problem with the Quickstart board on the discussion board but I have not found it.
On the PC, I connected to another serial port with a laptop running hyperterminal and I do not see any characters being sent when I start and stop the program. The serial data sent by my GUI is correct and when I disconnect, I don't see any problems.
If this is a simple question, I apoligize ahead of time. I have been playing with the quickstart board for a few weeks.
On the PC, I connected to another serial port with a laptop running hyperterminal and I do not see any characters being sent when I start and stop the program. The serial data sent by my GUI is correct and when I disconnect, I don't see any problems.
If this is a simple question, I apoligize ahead of time. I have been playing with the quickstart board for a few weeks.
The Prop boards use DTR to reset the chip.
When I wrote a GUI using Delphi I had to tell the Async Lib I used to
not assert DTR (Data Terminal Ready) when the GUI ran .
The Async Lib had an option to not wiggle DTR.
But, I think you can just disconnect your usb cable before closing the comm port...
I am saying in your code written and running on your PC, in that code do not play with DTR.
I have a Delphi GUI which uses propellent.dll to download the code to the propeller before running the GUI.
Propellent.dll I am sure wiggles DTR but my Async serial code in the Delphi code does nothing with DTR
because I disable it's use.
Thanks for all the feedback
The standard javax.comm library originally developed for linux but extended for win32 works fine for me, no resets. The library will not work on a 64 bit JVM but I am able to control multiple quickstart boards simultaneously from a single java process after first reloading them all using propellent in an Ant script.
see http://javahardware.blogspot.com/2010/11/led-display-board-driven-by-javaxcomm.html
and the original posts
thank you