serout help!
I am trying to use a 74hc164 chip to control a seven segment display. I have gotten it to work just fine with shiftout, but I am trying to learn the how to use serout for this application and am running into a wall. No matter what I seem to try, I can't seem to get anything on the display (haven't changed a thing physically since it worked with shiftout.) I will post an example of the code I am playing with if anyone wouldn't mind helping me out... I find the serout explanation in the help files a little vague. Thanks!
Yes, I am a nube
I am trying to use a 74hc164 chip to control a seven segment display. I have gotten it to work just fine with shiftout, but I am trying to learn the how to use serout for this application and am running into a wall. No matter what I seem to try, I can't seem to get anything on the display (haven't changed a thing physically since it worked with shiftout.) I will post an example of the code I am playing with if anyone wouldn't mind helping me out... I find the serout explanation in the help files a little vague. Thanks!
Yes, I am a nube

Browse through the Nuts and Volts Columns. Go to the main Parallax webpage and click on the Resources tab. You'll see a link for the Nuts and Volts Columns index.
Also look at the StampWorks Manual which has some examples of the use of both the 74HC164 and the 74HC595. You can download a variety of manuals and tutorials on the Downloads page.