Quickstart Board
It's a pity that the pins are not labelled on the socket. That would make it a bit easier to use. It seems good otherwise.
Has anyone tried making a paper Pin-out diagram that could be pasted next to the socket?
Has anyone tried making a paper Pin-out diagram that could be pasted next to the socket?
Not yet. Good idea.
Something could be pasted to the side of the socket too.
Must remember a pcb doesn't have all the area for labeling in many cases. It would have to be larger. The QuickStart is a nice size as is.
Phil made some nicer labels. I have some of Phil's labels but I put them a very safe place where they are even safe from me (since I can't find them, don't tell Phil).
@Richard, if you don't have a Bother label maker to make your own (the file is in the above link), PM me your address and I'll send you some. The same goes for anyone else here (let's limit it to the people on this thread so far and ten others).
@Harley, I still plan to get those USB cables to you before you receive your Prop Boe. I've just been lazy.
Re: Cables, that's fine. Tomorrow is the month the Prop BOEs are supposed to be available. Three weeks on pins and needles to go yet. Thanks.
EDIT: suppose I should read the whole thread before posting, huh?
Yes, but a picture wouldn't look as cool from the other side.
Edit: I'm surprised anyone at any age remembers how to spells my name. :thumb:
For sure. In your photo, I feel like a passenger in a low-flying helicopter hovering over QuickStart country. Nice curvature of the globe, too. Probably using a tripod and aimed just below the header.
Thanks Harley,
No tripod. I just set the QS on the my computer keyboard tray's wrist support pad and snapped a photo. I did switch the camera to "macro" mode, otherwise the auto focus wont focus on items this close.
I guess it did kind of turn out cool. I like your image of being over "QuickStart country".
I'm liking my digital camera more as time goes on. I've has several compliments on my electronics photos; I think my Fujifilm Finepix S1000 fd does a decent job.
I wonder how much longer Fujifilm is going to continue making "film"? I sure don't miss the days of taking film in to be processed. I find it's a lot easier to take a good picture when I'm not afraid of taking a dozen bad ones first.
No tripod, wow, wish I were that steady. I have an old Sony FD73; as big as a SLR and uses 3.5" floppy. But does pretty fair for my needs. I like the 10x zoom; makes it quite easy to frame a desired object.
Film? Wots that! Just kidding. By any chance have you ever visited this site: http://www.gigapxl.org/ ? Mind boggling what they've done.
I use this sheet.
Very nice!
Post up a link to a PDF of that so everyone can benefit. :-)