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XBee pro AT commands — Parallax Forums

XBee pro AT commands

Hellokitty9999Hellokitty9999 Posts: 2
edited 2012-02-02 02:45 in Accessories
Hi, I have two XBee pro and a sensor. The coordinator XBee is connected to the pc while the router XBee and sensor are connected together on the breadboard. I have read the XBee pro manual but I'm still confuse and not sure what to type for the AT commands in the terminal tab. What AT commands should I use in order to collect sensor data?

Coordinator: ATID 9876(PAN ID) Router:ATID 9876((PAN ID)
> I'm not sure what is this ATMY2
> I'm not sure what is this
ATDH 0013A200 ATDH 0013A200
ATDL2 4068F421 ATDL1 4068F421

Is this correct?

Thank you.


  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-01-30 10:53
    There are two different kinds of XBees.

    There are Series 1 (also know as 802.15.4) versions and ZigBee (also know as Series 2) versions.

    Which kind do you have?
  • Hellokitty9999Hellokitty9999 Posts: 2
    edited 2012-02-01 22:39
    I have XBee pro S2
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-02-02 02:45
    I just successully tried a piece of test code with two of my Series 2 XBees.

    Using X-CTU make sure you have the "Modem" selected as XBP24-ZB on both XBees.

    One XBee should have "Function Set" set to "ZIGBEE COORDINATOR AT" and the other XBee should be "ZIGBEE ROUTER AT".

    Make "Operating PAN ID" on both XBees are set to the same number. I left "Pan ID" set to zero (I'm not sure if matters or not).

    The "Destination Address Low" needs to be set to the Serial Number low of the other XBee. It looks like you're using he same number for both XBees. You can kind of think of this as the XBee's assigned "phone number". The XBees need to know each others "phone number" in order to communicate.

    I'm pretty sure I didn't change any other parameters.

    Remember to "Write" the changes so they are stored in the XBee's EEPROM.

    I'm attaching the code I used to test the my XBees. Use use a terminal window set to 57600 baud and press the "0" and "1" keys to trigger a transmission. This code uses both XBees connected to one Propeller to make testing easier.

    I'm working on some code to dynamically set the destination serial numbers so the XBees can communicate with more than just one other unit. I'll post a link here when I get it working.
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