New proximity sensor, good fit for Propeller
Just wanted to mention a new digital proximity sensor, Prox1...

It's based on the Osram SFH 7741 IR proximity sensor.
Has a range of 30 mm and a digital output.
Rated for 2.4 to 3.6 volts, so it's perfect for the Propeller.
The output is open drain with 100k pullup resistor and abs. max voltage is 6 VDC, so I actually use them at 5 VDC on a servo header and it works fine.
Comes with a servo extension cable that you can cut in have and then use either male or female end to connect to your circuit.
I'm using four of them on a Sparkfun Magician chassis bot. Three for wall avoidance and one for looking at the floor:

It's based on the Osram SFH 7741 IR proximity sensor.
Has a range of 30 mm and a digital output.
Rated for 2.4 to 3.6 volts, so it's perfect for the Propeller.
The output is open drain with 100k pullup resistor and abs. max voltage is 6 VDC, so I actually use them at 5 VDC on a servo header and it works fine.
Comes with a servo extension cable that you can cut in have and then use either male or female end to connect to your circuit.
I'm using four of them on a Sparkfun Magician chassis bot. Three for wall avoidance and one for looking at the floor:

Looks great! I'm especially impressed by its "aspect ratio" (or whatever it should be called), how far it can detect vs. it's overall size.
Watch Merlin robot use optical sensors to avoid hitting the wall:
That's very cool!
Looks great. What about the sensor you have on the front and looking down? Does that avoid cliffs?
The full 3 cm range is for white. It's more like 1.5 cm or less for dark things.
Anyway, it'd work to detect the floor if I moved it down lower, closer to the floor.
Right now, it's more like an "object on the floor" detector...
BTW: I think it would be good for a line follower too. White tape on my hardwood should work...
In hindsight, I wish I had the output pin on the outside, so it'd match a servo header.
May have to change that for the next batch...
I still think of 5V operation as a bit experimental. Seems to work fine and it's below the "Absolute Max."
Just a little worried about lifetime... I should power one up 24/7 just to make sure it can take it for a long time...