LEDs brightness with pwm at various frequencies.
Posts: 52
I wanted to control the brightness of 3 LEDs, red, green and blue, so I thought to write a pwm routine in Spin. I know I can use counters, and some objects already exist, but I wanted the learning experience, and I ended with an effect I am not able to understand, so hopefully you can explain it for me.
Well, I wrote the routine below. I tell it how much percent of the duty cycle I want each LED to be on, as well as the frequency. The visual effect looks good at low frequencies, around 100Hz. However, the LEDs start to appear brighter and of the same intensity at higher frequncies, around 5000Hz. I thought the freq should not matter much as long the percent periods they are on and off does not change!!
Well, I wrote the routine below. I tell it how much percent of the duty cycle I want each LED to be on, as well as the frequency. The visual effect looks good at low frequencies, around 100Hz. However, the LEDs start to appear brighter and of the same intensity at higher frequncies, around 5000Hz. I thought the freq should not matter much as long the percent periods they are on and off does not change!!
' for this test, and to compare brightness visually, the three LEDs are red color, connected to the Propeller pins with 100 ohms resistors. pub main pwm3(5,5,90,100) ' led1 5% of the duty cycle, led2 5%, led3 90%, freq 100Hz - brightness easily distinguishable by eye. ' pwm3(5,5,90,5000) ' same duty cycles percentages, freq 5000Hz - all three leds appear the same brightness. ' uses pins 20, 21 and 22 pub pwm3 (r,g,b, f) | i, w dira[20..22] := %111 w := clkfreq / 100 w := w /f 'show(r,g,b, cnt, w) repeat repeat i from 0 to 99 ' if i < r ' on for 5 loop then off for the rest outa[20] := 1 else outa[20] := 0 if i < g ' on for 5 loop then off for the rest outa[21] := 1 else outa[21] := 0 if i < b ' on for 90 loop then off for the rest outa[22] := 1 else outa[22] := 0 waitcnt(w + cnt)
Yes, I am using 80Mhz. You are right, I set the freq to 3000Hz and the brightness is messed up. At 2099Hz is as goos as at 100Hz. Thanks for your help and for figuring that out so quickly. The reason I devide by 100 is because the inner loop repeats 100 times to cover one cycle. E.g. If the freq to 1 Hz, then the inner loop need to wait for 1/100th of second by 100 loops to get 1 second.
By the way, the lengthy if...else ... could by replaced by
outa[20] := ||(r > i) ' true = -1, false = 0, || = absolute
outa[21] := ||(g > i)
outa[22] := ||(b > i)
Thanks again for your help.