Storing string pointer to an array
Hopefully an easy question.
I'm assigning the following vars
byte listarray[64]
byte StringList[50]
Then running the following method, using BS2_Functions object.
BS2.Serin_Wait(1,@listarray," ",9600,1,8)
How can I take the value of @listarray and store it to StringList[1] array element. I would use this in a loop, so 1 would really be "x', a loop counter.
Hopefully an easy question.
I'm assigning the following vars
byte listarray[64]
byte StringList[50]
Then running the following method, using BS2_Functions object.
BS2.Serin_Wait(1,@listarray," ",9600,1,8)
How can I take the value of @listarray and store it to StringList[1] array element. I would use this in a loop, so 1 would really be "x', a loop counter.
If you declared: word StringList[ 50 ]
You'd store the address like: StringList[ 0 ] := @listarray