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Paypal? - Page 2 — Parallax Forums




  • pik33pik33 Posts: 2,407
    edited 2012-05-03 01:19
    For accept foreign payments PayPal is ONLY option...

    As I can see, I can pay with PayPal for example for a Propeller chip with almost no additional cost.

    With bank account I have to pay at least 80 PLN (~25$) for ANY money transfer abroad. Plus some precent of the money...

    So I hope Parallax will (1) accept PayPal (2) send their product with normal mail.

    Now, to buy one Propeller chip I have to spend:

    - $7.99 chip
    - about $50 shipping
    - about $30 money transfer

    ... Propeller chip costs $90.... :(

    Using standard mail and paypal:

    $7.99 chip
    about $5 shipping
    about $0 paypal transfer

    ... Propeller chip costs $13

    It is a big difference.

    About PayPal hacking.. my PayPal account is empty and not linked to any bank account or credit card. I will add some money to PayPal account immediately before I need to pay.
  • idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
    edited 2012-05-03 01:50
    Now, to buy one Propeller chip I have to spend:

    - $7.99 chip
    - about $50 shipping
    - about $30 money transfer

    ... Propeller chip costs $90.... :frown:

    Using standard mail and paypal:

    $7.99 chip
    about $5 shipping
    about $0 paypal transfer

    ... Propeller chip costs $13

    It is a big difference.

    WOW!!!!! That is not a big difference, that is a huge difference!
  • MicrocontrolledMicrocontrolled Posts: 2,461
    edited 2012-05-03 05:36
    Paypal fees are quite small, actually. It cost you $50 to transfer $2000, which is better than most money transfer systems. I'll admit I've been ripped off from PayPal before, granted it was just $20, but in general I would rather use PayPal to buy from an overseas company rather than giving them my credit card. It's also great for eBay purchases.
    I would use it if Parallax offered it.
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