From my experience, the creative process is necessily messy. Personally, I need quick access to my favorite tools, and having them so neatly organized as this toolchest allows would only slow me down. Much of the time my bench is fairly cluttered with tools and multiple projects in various forms of completion. I clean up only when I have to!
No kidding! Especially when they visit my shop and stare disapprovingly, their mouths agape.
A neat, clean, orderly workspace is a certain indication the either someone needs much more (motivation) to do something, the tools and such are only for show, or there are perhaps some issues left over from childhood......
Or perhaps empty desk == empty mind ?
Photo please ala the messiest desk photos of various engineers I found a while back......
Impressive to be sure! I do have to admit that people that well organized are annoying though!!
Last time I "had to" was 2003 when we moved. I don't have any foreseeable "have to" moments in my future.
A neat, clean, orderly workspace is a certain indication the either someone needs much more (motivation) to do something, the tools and such are only for show, or there are perhaps some issues left over from childhood......
Or perhaps empty desk == empty mind ?
Photo please ala the messiest desk photos of various engineers I found a while back......
That's just the tip of the iceberg. Do I win anything?
Looks like quite a productive workspace IMHO.