DS1620 to PC using VB6
karabet Krikorian
Posts: 9
Does anyone have a VB6 code for DS1620 code via a serial port?
I have read the volts and nuts article (Col- 42) but I couldnt understand the serial Comm1 part?
I have attached what I want to do for my project.
My problem with this projects how I can send the following 2 lines in the stamp code to VB6 comm1??
DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 2, (tC.BIT15 * 13 + " "), DEC (ABS tC / 10), ".", DEC1 (ABS tC), DegSym, " C", CLREOL
DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 3, (tF.BIT15 * 13 + " "),DEC (ABS tF / 10), ".", DEC1 (ABS tF),DegSym, " F", CLREOL
I did try to send the following but it is not working:
SEROUT 16, 16780, [ (tC.BIT15 * 13 ), (ABS tC / 10)]
Attached is also the stamp code from Stamp works.
Does anyone have a VB6 code for DS1620 code via a serial port?
I have read the volts and nuts article (Col- 42) but I couldnt understand the serial Comm1 part?
I have attached what I want to do for my project.
My problem with this projects how I can send the following 2 lines in the stamp code to VB6 comm1??
DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 2, (tC.BIT15 * 13 + " "), DEC (ABS tC / 10), ".", DEC1 (ABS tC), DegSym, " C", CLREOL
DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 3, (tF.BIT15 * 13 + " "),DEC (ABS tF / 10), ".", DEC1 (ABS tF),DegSym, " F", CLREOL
I did try to send the following but it is not working:
SEROUT 16, 16780, [ (tC.BIT15 * 13 ), (ABS tC / 10)]
Attached is also the stamp code from Stamp works.
I have found this VB6 code example for the project i did post erlyare on Basic stam fourms.
Please can some one help me to read 2 difrent tempratures from 2 different stamps ( both stams are BS2).
And they will be connected via serial port to USB hub and then USB port on the PC.
If some one can tell me how i can the sending charicters that i can defrenciate between the 2 Stamps and reading it in 2 difrent Text boxs or Labels?
I have attached the VB code, the Stamp DS1620 code and the main connection document( what actualy im trying to do)
The big question is how I can differentiate between the 2 stamps serials in the VB code and controller the input for both stamps temperatures ( Inside Tem C/F and Outside Tem C/F)??
I have updated the post with more information can someone please help??
I.E. instead of just sending temp,
you'd send
on stamp 1, and
on stamp 2.
Of course, the pc would need to read both values, but that shouldn't be a problem.
That's all there is to it.
If you need more specific help, I'm sure an additional post will get you the help you need.