Any ideas?
So I'm pretty bored right now and would like to take a break from the simple LED projects the learning book that comes with the propeller educational kit comes with, so does anybody have any good ideas or schematics for some fun bread wording projects with the propeller?
The touch sensors are just pads with adjacent grounds. They do have 100k resistors going to the I/O pins, but that's just for static safety. The same code will work with the touch pads going straight to I/O pins without killing the prop as long as you have an anti-static wrist strap or a finger on a ground somewhere.
Do that. If you need more hints, ask, but it seems you're more interested in figuring it out for yourself than getting help. By the way, that's awesome.
Next step, hook up a VGA output and use one of the low resolution VGA graphics interfaces to interact with the Genesis/Mastersystem controller.
Step 3: Start re-implementing Sonic The Hedgehog.
Say, would you consider posting the code you've written? for that others may join in the fray against the boredom monster.:zombie:
connect pin 8 to ground
1 is up on joystick
2 is down on joystick
3 is left on joystick
6 is the button
8 is ground
all the other pins don't have function
5 4 3 2 1
9 8 7 6
I'm planning on writing code as soon as I figure out how to get the prop to recongize my joystick as an input. The joystick outputs ground, but doesnt the propeller only recognize positive voltage input?
This may help you:
I know there are other game controllers that work with the Prop but the two I mentioned are he ones I use the most.
From what I recall, the Sega Genesis controller is a parallel interface, so it shouldn't be too hard to interface to a prop.
The wii motion plus has a 3 axis gyro and the wii numchuck has an accelerometer. The nunchuck can connect to the motion plus (daisy chain). Objects have already been written for these. I am using these pcbs scavenged for my quadcopter - see the build thread for the long quadcopter build thread.
The resistor is driving the input pin to high while the switches inside the keypad will drive it low whenever a button is pressed.
Of course in your programs you have to react on low - this is called an active low signal.
To pull a pin high is to provide voltage to the pin so that in the absence of external signal (buttons, etc) it doesn't drift high or low on its own. It's basically keeping it on to make sure that the only thing that turns it off is the (switch,etc). External signal comes into the pin through a much lesser value resistor allowing it to override the pullup or pulldown resistor.
Hope I explained that ok.
You connect one side of the resistor to 3,3V. The other side directly goes to the propeller-pin. This means that without anything else the propeller pin will see the 3,3V through the resistor => HIGH.
From this pin you now go to one of the pins of the controller - say the one for UP. The controller simply contains switches which switch the according controller-pin to ground - if you connected ground of the controller with ground of the propeller.
As the switch has a much lower resistance than the resistor, the whole voltage drops on the resistor, which on the other hand means that the propeller-pin will see the 0V side of the resistor => LOW.
"I wired the ground on the controller to a +6 volt", "I up the voltage to +9v" .... it hurts to read that! Why do you think is ground called ground?
With 9V connected to a propeller pin, that pin might not recognize anything anymore!