Hardware problems... RESn gets triggered by touching it with a bit of wire

I built a propeller dev board months ago and it seems to work just fine, however I've just noticed an unfortunate problem where the chip seems to go into it's reset state if I touch the RESn pin with a piece of wire or a pair of pliers or any metallic object. The wire doesn't even need to be connected to anything, just a 3" bit of breadboard wire will do the trick. I have a 10K pullup resistor on it and a reset switch to ground in this configuration...
I've got this exact same problem on a second Propeller design of mine (which is running entirely different code).
Even if I connect RESn directly to +3v3, the Prop will still reset if I also touch the RESn pin with a metallic object!
What the hell is going on here?
How do I fix this problem?
 +3v3 │ │  10K │ │ RESn ───┫ │ │ / reset switch │ │  GND
I've got this exact same problem on a second Propeller design of mine (which is running entirely different code).
Even if I connect RESn directly to +3v3, the Prop will still reset if I also touch the RESn pin with a metallic object!
What the hell is going on here?
How do I fix this problem?
I use 22nF but the value is not critical.
If to large the PropPlug may not reset correctly when required.
I'll try the 22nF cap in parallel with the pullup as suggested.
Thanks for the advice guys.
How do you fix this problem??? Why that's easy, just don't touch the reset pin with a metallic object, that's how!
No really, I'm amused that you find this an unfortunate problem. If I touch the input to an audio amplifier with a piece of wire or my finger then I hear a hum, how do I fix it? Remove the finger!
Okay, now that I've had my fun I am guessing that with the reset pin connected to Vdd and touching it still results in a reset seems to smack of a mains to ground leakage. I am assuming that in every case that you are holding the wire and if your board is powered from a switch-mode mains power supply then you may have the dreaded mains leakage problem caused by the EMI suppression capacitors that form a voltage divider across the mains to the output common. Anyhow, I could be wrong but we have so little to go on, a photo of the complete setup is better than hit-n-miss guessing. Have you tried powering the board from a battery just to see if it still plays up?
I'm concerned about this purely from a reliability point of view. I don't want my board resetting itself because of some random environmental factors.
Just tried adding a 10nF cap in parallel with the pull-up and the problem seems to have improved a bit - now I have to try a bit harder to make it happen, but it's not great. I'll live with it for now.
It's my own layout but it's based on the schematic in the Propeller manual. Two other people I know have the exact same problem with their own personal designs also based on the manual diagram.