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Bluetooth as programming port

CrazyrabbitCrazyrabbit Posts: 116
edited 2012-01-21 06:42 in Accessories
I was wondering if a bluetooth reciever be able to hook up to a USB connection directly? Just an idea for now. Just match RX and TX from Bluetooth to USB plug. Will it handle BS2 programming using file transfer option?


  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2012-01-20 07:29
    Mike Green has claimed on this forum that it can't work due to the tight timings required for serial programming. But I've seen people pull it off for an Arduino in two different ways, so I think it is possible for the BS2 and Propeller.

    * If the Bluetooth module supports DTR as well as RX and TX. I've seen them hooked up to those pins on the AVR MCU. The Bluetooth module baud rate needs to match the baud rate the MCU is normally programmed at, but then it just works. To programming and terminal software the Bluetooth modules looks like an additional COM port that supports a baud rate equal to the AT setting of the module.

    * If the Bluetooth module does not support DTR I've seen people connect one of the AVR's output pins to the reset pin. They add code to their program which listens to the UART and when it detects the Arduino programming protocol it brings the pin low. When done right the programming software is none the wiser, but this is because the Arduino has fairly generous timings.

    Now why do I think this will work with the Propeller? Take a look at the Propeller Backpacks docs:

    The backpack has an alternate bootloader that can reload it from a BasicStamp using only pin 27 when it comes out of reset. While this won't work out of the box with Propeller software, I could see some sort of byte code download program on the propeller which listens for a reprogram command. When it gets it it uses one of its output pins to put itself into reset. The upload program which sent it that signal waits and when the propeller is out of reset sends it the program over pin 27 using the backpack's boot loader.
  • UnsoundcodeUnsoundcode Posts: 1,532
    edited 2012-01-21 06:42
    I did it here with a modified bootloader and a certain amount of success. Theres a chance it might be satisfactory in a hobby app.

    Jeff T.
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