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Sync Communications

gseldengselden Posts: 4
edited 2012-01-17 12:20 in BASIC Stamp

I am new to this community and need some help. I have a basic stamp 2 and I am trying to directly connect it to a doubletalk evaluation board for outputting text and commands to invoke TTS and sound libraries on the doubletalk sys.

What is the best way to connect. TTL (CTS, RXD, GND) or interface connector. Also I am a Mechanical Engineer and know enough EE just to be dangerous. I have looked at extensivly SERIN-SEROUT and SHIFTIN-SHIFTOUT. NEED HELP.

Much appreciated, Thanks


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2012-01-17 11:53
    You need to give more information about the device you want to connect to (the doubletalk board). Schematics, links to manuals, etc. are all helpful. Note that SERIN / SEROUT communicate via asynchronous serial I/O while SHIFTIN / SHIFTOUT communicate via a clocked protocol usually described as SPI although they can be used for other things as well. If the doubletalk board description includes labels like CTS / RXD, you're probably talking about asynchronous serial I/O and the SERIN / SEROUT statements would be what you need.
  • gseldengselden Posts: 4
    edited 2012-01-17 12:02
    appreciate the response the doubletalk board is made by RC Systems website: I have tried both async and sync, but not sure about electrical connections and protocols for registers. I'm learning but a bit over my head on how the clock, data and latchs work.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2012-01-17 12:15
    You're going to have to rely on RC Systems' documentation and their support website for details of how to use their chip. As far as connecting the RC Systems' chip to the Stamp is concerned, you should be able to just connect the RXD, TXD, and CTS signals to Stamp I/O pins directly. I would suggest using 220 Ohm resistors between the doubletalk board and the Stamp I/O pins to protect the various I/O pins from wiring or programming errors.. You'll also have to connect the grounds together. Look at the SEROUT documentation for information on how to use "handshaking" which is what the CTS signal is for.
  • gseldengselden Posts: 4
    edited 2012-01-17 12:17

    Some additional info. If I step back what I'm trying to do is run programs on the Basic Stamp2 and have the doubletalk sys output words and comments as the programs execute.
  • gseldengselden Posts: 4
    edited 2012-01-17 12:20
    OK back to the drawing board.

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