Chairobics 4U

If you're a desk jockey and your lifestyle is a bit too sedentary, watch this video from your chair and give your heart a well-deserved workout. Fast forward to the minute mark, then watch the guy "thread the needle" at 3:35. Yowsah.
Then have a beer to celebrate. You'll live longer!
Then have a beer to celebrate. You'll live longer!
Silicon vs. calcium. Now I'm torn. Should I stay at home and mix a few Prop chips into my brewski.... or go out for a milkshake with a hollywood starlet?
That video blew my mind.
I remember from aviation ground school (it was free at our community college), you're supposed fly over a mountain half again as high as the mountain. The wind coming over the mountain can produce dangerous down drafts. Those guys look very vunerable to a slight gust of wind.
As for a warm Guinness, history has already told us that this is good.