Help regarding FFT spectrum...

Hi all,
In this small vacation i am trying to build project with propeller.
Last month i have studied FFT in college so, i will like to implement in quick start board .
So, i t will be in audio range so, please help me how to start?
In this small vacation i am trying to build project with propeller.
Last month i have studied FFT in college so, i will like to implement in quick start board .
So, i t will be in audio range so, please help me how to start?
The forum search feature doesn't work very well. I'd use "propeller fft" at Google to search for other FFT using the Propeller threads.
No idea how the two compare speed, range or accuracy wise. Note that FFT is under the GPL.
There is also a Fast Hartley Transform by Andrey Demenev here
I have seen the thread and code but it will be more better for me to know the procedure for doing it then starting it with small samples with less weight of code in it.
note:- i have seen reply after posting my post.
If you only want to use a ready made FFT then heater_fft comes with a simple demo program in Spin. If you have any questions about that then do ask.
If you want to write your own then heater_fft contains references to the documents on the web that I used as a starting point. That was quite a challenge for me, it was twenty years between seeing my first ever FFT in BASIC and figuring out how and why the thing worked! That was thanks to the good folks on this forum, have a search for the "fft for dummies" thread.
OK, I think first i should see its working on Board then i will work on code..