Do you need flow control with the serial port? Are you communicating with a PC or some other device?
I ask, because it might make a difference in which of the nine pins are used.
Here's a tutorial about RS-232. I'm still confused about when which lines are used. I just want to make sure you know which lines the device you are connecting to the Propeller will use. Most of the serial devices I've use with a Prop just use rx, tx and ground. So if that's all you need then the RPM should be fine. It looks like the RPM also uses the DTR line (which is needed to program the Prop from a PC).
Do you need flow control with the serial port? Are you communicating with a PC or some other device?
I ask, because it might make a difference in which of the nine pins are used.
Here's a tutorial about RS-232. I'm still confused about when which lines are used. I just want to make sure you know which lines the device you are connecting to the Propeller will use. Most of the serial devices I've use with a Prop just use rx, tx and ground. So if that's all you need then the RPM should be fine. It looks like the RPM also uses the DTR line (which is needed to program the Prop from a PC).
Flow control is not an issue but thanks very much for the tutorial link...great for reference.