MC33926 Pololu Dual Motor Controller - Low DutyCycle = High Motor Speed ?
I just hooked up a MC33926 Dual Motor Controller and I am finding that when I send a low dutycycle (10%) the wheels spin very fast. If I send a high dutycycle (90%) the wheels spin slowly. Anyone know what might be causing this? I am new to this, so I could be missing something obvious. My current configuration is the following:
D1 and D2 are inactive (jumpered)
SLEW (Jumpered)
IN1 and IN2 is used for PWM
Thanks in advance,
D1 and D2 are inactive (jumpered)
SLEW (Jumpered)
IN1 and IN2 is used for PWM
Thanks in advance,
Are you sure your disable lines aren't active? This sounds much like what you describe:
Disable input: when D1 is high, OUT1 and OUT2 are set to high impedance. A D1 PWM duty cycle of 70% gives a motor duty cycle of 30%. Typically, only one of the two disable pins is used, but the default is for both disable pins to be active.
-- Gordon
I'm using a gangster gadget - Propeller board, and I have the following setup:
IN1 IN2 (motor2) = pin 5 and 6
IN1 IN2 (motor1) = pin 7 and 8
VDD and GND is connected to the MCU
I'm using the PWM_32_v4.spin object, with the following example:
Thanks again