Microcenter thinks Parallax is Arduino?
I went over to Microcenter's site and the category they put the Parallax items in is Arduino Kits and Parts! http://www.microcenter.com/search/search_results.phtml?N=4294950341 Yes on the logistical side it makes sense to put all parts into an existing category but at least rename it! Associating Parallax with Arduino leaves a bad taste in my mouth
. BTW I do use an Arduino rarely but the Propeller is much better!

Although they did have a Ping bracket with servo that I picked up.
The sparkfun racks were half empty and a mess. They really never seem to get replenished just a few things at a time.
But I can pick up my issue of Robot magazine there.
Sales increase, market share secured, Parallax recognized as a better brand.
Further, as a Parallax customer I would prefer they devote their resources to the Prop, the Prop II, the associated dev tools and accessories. Burning up time and money on trying to join the Arduino market would be very poor from my customer perspective.
Just in case anyone didn't know, Parallax provides hook up instructions and example code for the Arduino Uno (along with the Basic Stamp Homework Board and the Propeller QuickStart Board) for the sensors and accessories that are sold in retail stores. This is available at the Parallax KickStart site.
Link to Parallax KickStart site
Which one in Illinois? As memory serves there are two in the Chicago area. One in the city proper and another one in Westmont. The display of microcontrollers and parts are will laid out and organized in the Westmont store.
I did get a Basic stamp board from Microcenter and was amused to see on the price tag that it's an Arduino! :-)
Man, I wished I could see those in my local shopping center.
“Micro Center is putting up separate Parallax sections in our stores. We will get to all stores soon. The attached photograph is from our store in Columbus Ohio.”
- Bradley Eft, Merchandise Manager, Micro Center. beft@microcenter.com