Propeller Board of Education - Quick Look and Pre-order

A short video introducing the Propeller Board of Education (not sure about the person doing the video - he must be a business person first and user second): will be live on or before the day the first Propeller Board of Education ships from Rocklin.
In the meantime you can pre-order here
Lauren will make an official announcement about ship dates.
Ken Gracey will be live on or before the day the first Propeller Board of Education ships from Rocklin.
In the meantime you can pre-order here
Lauren will make an official announcement about ship dates.
Ken Gracey
Great video and great product.
But you really to have the girls do your hair before camera.
Excellent video! PropBOE is going to be huge for Parallax (I predict). We just need to show people what it can do.
Everyone else,
I have one of those Veho 360 speakers, and can vouch for it being a great product! It sounds great for it's size, and the charge lasts forever!
I'm so excited about the PropBOE my hair stands up. Thank you!
Ken Gracey
Noticed you do not have Composite Video (TV) on the board, only VGA. Was there a reason for this? Just curious because I have been tempted to only provide TV and not VGA on some new boards.
Even so, I'm also thinking of getting one. I do have 6 Prop Proto boards and a QS board, but there is times this board would be so handy.
Now, I'm wondering how soon a Prop 2 BOE will be available? Xmas 2012?
EDIT: Placed my order a while ago. Gonna be a long month+ before they ship!
Hey Cluso99, it's VGA because the universities often have monitors. And, you can use our RCA to breadboard adapter if you want TV.
Ken Gracey
I use video out more often then vga, but I have plenty of other boards for that. Looking forward to reading more about what this puppy can do when the docs are posted.
Another thing to note, the VGA port doesn't "consume" the pins if you don't want it to. To use VGA you run wires from the header next to the breadboard (that has prop pins one it) over to the port in the middle of the board that has VGA, XBee, & SD on it. This also means you can decide what pins you want your video/vga on (with some limitations, the ADC/DAC and some other stuff do consume higher pins, and the servo ports are some also). Of course, Ken covers that in the video.
It will make a good product to also sell at Radio Shack and Micro Center.
For speech look here:
When you get your PropBOE be sure to check out the new portal for what I think is a phantastick multi-part tutorial on using the board. I've only seen it in an earlier incarnation, but even then it was terrific.
-- Gordon
PS: Great video, Ken!
As to the speech object, Ken has tasked me with improvements to my phonemic speech generation object, a project I've accepted with great relish! Once I get finished with end-of-year accounting and tax matters (ah, the joys of self-employment!), I shall delve into this endeavor wholeheartedly until the Propeller can not only talk, but say things that friends who visit my shop can actually understand and not laugh at. (If the Propeller, pronouncing the word "treat", can make Browser perk up his ears, I'll know I've succeeded.)
You know, I was thinking the same thing. I half expected John Davidson to come out singing, and then introducing Dave Del Dott... er, Ken. Only they'd have to switch to Land's End oxford shirts instead of Hawaiian.
-- Gordon
Phil, I played with your code a bit, had an idea to make a repeater controller from a Prop. I would really love to look over your shoulder, so to speak, as you improve this code -- I don't suppose I could con you into blogging it on here?
Ken, thans for the insight. I know I have many more VGAs than TVs but I am not the norm.
Roy, yes I realised the VGA is pluggable. Quite likely there is a way to make the links work for TV but would have to look at the cct.
EDIT: Thank you 'bomber'. It was thinner than I'd imagined the audio jack to be. Did you draw your drawing in post #25? It was different than the image Parallax board is.
Don't know if that also fits the Prop BOE USB connector. If not, hopefully I have a extra cable that will fit the PBOE without having to purchase another USB cable.
It's the same connector on the veho speaker as on the PropBOE, so you can use the same cable with both.
That is truely convenient they can both be same. Nice combination. The speaker sold me; I have enough Prop Protoboards, but the PBOE goes much further for getting some designs going fast. And not having been into audio yet, this should let me check out sound synth/speech areas, plus have a memory card on-board. Super deal.
I just tested the USB cable that came with one of my Veho speakers. I could not program the Prop with it. I think it's a power only USB cable.
You must be one of the few forum members not drowning in extra USB cables. Send me a PM with your address and I'll mail a couple of mine.
PM sent. Thank you.
You are very welcome.
Are listening? The USB cable on the product page looks like it's the one that comes with the Veho360. You might want to add a warning about the cable only providing power, not data.
I see a USB cable is listed as an accessory sold-separately but it would probably be a good idea to clarify what the one in the product photo can (and can't) do.