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Request for early serial Logo potocols for turtle robots — Parallax Forums

Request for early serial Logo potocols for turtle robots

lukazilukazi Posts: 5
edited 2012-01-18 15:35 in Robotics

I am retrofitting the Scribbler 2 to act as a turtle robot for a Apple II computer. The aim is to use Logo to control the robot.

From what I can find out, the early Apple II Logo implementations used parallel cards to talk to turtle robots. Since the Scribbler 2 already has a serial interface I would prefer to stick to using serial. I know that later models of these robots received RS232 interfaces but I can't find any information on the serial protocols used. Granted my searches have been mainly focused on the Apple II domain, I would be happy with information on any platform.

My project : -




  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2012-01-13 11:30
    How do you plan to send the commands to the S2? What program and platform are you using? (can't get to blogs from the school)
  • lukazilukazi Posts: 5
    edited 2012-01-13 16:06
    Logo Commands: FORWARD 20 -> Logo Interpreter: Assembly Language generates PWM signals -> Parallel card in Apple II slot -> Parallel Cable -> Motor Controller On Turtle Robot

    Logo Commands: FORWARD 20 -> Logo Interpreter: Assembly Language generates binary or ASCII protocol (something like $FF $0A $00 $14 $FF or .F020.)-> Serial card in Apple II slot -> Serial (physical cable or wireless) -> Scribbler 2: Spin code that reads serial commands/arguments and translates these into S2.spin object calls.

    I Was looking at programs like.
    Terrapin Logo for the Apple II
    Apple Logo

    I have no manuals for these just struggling though the software using an Apple IIe emulator on a PC. I know that the Tasman turtle robot came in an RS232 option but I am not sure on the Terrapin turtle robot. Maybe somehow I need to find the manuals for these logo implementations or for the robots. Even if I got a DOS or Windows version of Logo then maybe I could add the serial extensions to an Apple II Logo myself.

    Which Logo (or turtle graphics) implementations of the 1970s or 1980s had serial support for turtle robots?


  • lukazilukazi Posts: 5
    edited 2012-01-18 15:35
    I have found the solution. Redefining logo primitive commands was my friend. This will allow me to generate my own protocol.

    I'll have the results up on my blog after implementing my findings.


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