Where is a good source to learn how to get into a quad copter, I saw a parallax video on one and want to find out how to build one, get one, program one etc etc.???
They cover winged flight as well as quad flyers and are an excellent source for DIY ESC development. These are topics that generally don't get deeply explored here.
Hello Tom.in.Maryland,
We have a QUadcopter platform known as the ELEV-8. It is an OEM kit that has everything you need in the kit, with the execption of a Transmitter/Receiver combo, and a battery. I have included a link to the ELEV-8's product page, where you can browse through the kit contents and documentation. I have also included this link: Ken/Cluso99/ W9GFO/JasonD's QuadCopter Build Log (updated info ELEV-8 + availability) Which is a documented thread of the Evolution of the ELEV-8 along our testing and re-designing. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.
The "how" depends a lot on what you want - Some quads are autonomous and some require constant piloting (basically behaving like a remote controlled helicopter) and some are in-between in that they self-level, but aren't way-point/GPS autonomous.
The body can be hacked together from a few tubes (round or square) rigidly held between some plastic. I've successfully used square aluminum tubing, square carbon, and round aluminum tail booms for model helicopters. I prefer square tube because it's easier to make sure all the motors are pointed vertical - if they're off it will affect your yaw stability a bit.
The electronics take a little more work, as you have to figure out how much of a payload you want to carry (if any), and what kind of flight time you need. If you're looking to do aerial photography with a heavy camera you'll need something beefier than if you're just looking to fly something around and have fun with it.
The Elev-8 is a great kit (I have one) and the HoverFly board is very stable, and all the work of figuring out the physical construction and electronics is done for you. It's also a Propeller, and I have my flight software running on it. I will be releasing it in the near future, so if you're looking to program it yourself, you can buy the Elev-8 kit and use my code as a starting point.
If you've never flown anything like this before, they're harder than they look - investing in a flight simulator or a small (toy) helicopter as a starting point will help "program" your reflexes, and the crashes will be less expensive.
They cover winged flight as well as quad flyers and are an excellent source for DIY ESC development. These are topics that generally don't get deeply explored here.
Back on topic here are 2 more links that might help
We have a QUadcopter platform known as the ELEV-8. It is an OEM kit that has everything you need in the kit, with the execption of a Transmitter/Receiver combo, and a battery. I have included a link to the ELEV-8's product page, where you can browse through the kit contents and documentation. I have also included this link: Ken/Cluso99/ W9GFO/JasonD's QuadCopter Build Log (updated info ELEV-8 + availability) Which is a documented thread of the Evolution of the ELEV-8 along our testing and re-designing. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.
The body can be hacked together from a few tubes (round or square) rigidly held between some plastic. I've successfully used square aluminum tubing, square carbon, and round aluminum tail booms for model helicopters. I prefer square tube because it's easier to make sure all the motors are pointed vertical - if they're off it will affect your yaw stability a bit.
The electronics take a little more work, as you have to figure out how much of a payload you want to carry (if any), and what kind of flight time you need. If you're looking to do aerial photography with a heavy camera you'll need something beefier than if you're just looking to fly something around and have fun with it.
The Elev-8 is a great kit (I have one) and the HoverFly board is very stable, and all the work of figuring out the physical construction and electronics is done for you. It's also a Propeller, and I have my flight software running on it. I will be releasing it in the near future, so if you're looking to program it yourself, you can buy the Elev-8 kit and use my code as a starting point.
If you've never flown anything like this before, they're harder than they look - investing in a flight simulator or a small (toy) helicopter as a starting point will help "program" your reflexes, and the crashes will be less expensive.