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i2c EEProm not saving data — Parallax Forums

i2c EEProm not saving data

davidpzkdavidpzk Posts: 19
edited 2012-01-13 09:39 in Propeller 1
Hi friends. I just started learning the Propeller platform a few weeks ago. While I already have made the Propeller do alot of fun stuff, I need help solving a stange problem. It seems I cannot write to an EEPROM.

I am using the Gadget Gangster USB platform to do this test and the object I am tring to use is the I2C_ROMEngine.

I wanted to confirm I understood how to use this object so I wrote some simple code to store a value into a EEProm register and then retrive it.
I upload the code into EEPROM and run it
  _clkmode = rcfast

RomEngine: "I2C_ROMEngine"
term : "Parallax Serial Terminal" 
PUB Main
RomEngine.ROMEngineStart (29, 28, 0)                  '(dataPinNumber, clockPinNumber, lockNumberToUse)
waitcnt (10000000+cnt)
term.str(string("writing 123 to eeprom memory location 7080",13))
RomEngine.writeByte(7080, string("123"))           '(EEPROMaddress, value)
waitcnt (10000000+cnt)
term.str(string("pausing just incase", 13)) 
waitcnt (10000000+cnt)
term.str (string("reading from memory location 7080", 13))
term.str (string(">>>"))
term.str (RomEngine.readByte(7080))
term.str (string("<<<"))

The terminal screen successfuly displays the value >>>123<<<, obviously storing the value into the EEProm then recalling it.
To double test this, I then upload the following code into RAM (not the EEPROM). Its the same code as above but I comment out the line that saves data to the EEPROM.
At this point I am only interested in reading EEPROM data that was put in the EEPROM using the code above.

  _clkmode = rcfast

RomEngine: "I2C_ROMEngine"
term : "Parallax Serial Terminal" 
PUB Main
RomEngine.ROMEngineStart (29, 28, 0)                  '(dataPinNumber, clockPinNumber, lockNumberToUse)
waitcnt (10000000+cnt))   
'term.str(string("writing 123 to eeprom memory location 7080",13))
'RomEngine.writeByte(7080, string("123"))           '(EEPROMaddress, value)
waitcnt (10000000+cnt)
term.str(string("pausing just incase", 13)) 
waitcnt (10000000+cnt)
term.str (string("reading from memory location 7080", 13))
term.str (string(">>>"))
term.str (RomEngine.readByte(7080))
term.str (string("<<<"))
The end result is >>><<< which means there is nothing stored in the EEProm.

What am I doing wrong?


  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-01-12 15:16
    You're not actually storing "123" to EEPROM. Your code stores the adress (only one byte which appears to be enough in this case) to EEPROM.

    In the first code, it reads back the location and prints the string to the terminal. Since "123" is no longer at that location in your second code. It's probably trying to display some unprintable ASCII character.

    Try adding this to the bottom of your code:
    testString  byte "123", 0

    EDIT: This is wrong. I'm fixing it now. Not fixed yet, sorry.

    Then instead of using:
    RomEngine.writeByte(7080, "1"))

    In your first code, use:
    RomEngine.writeByte(7080, @testString)

    Edit again: Sorry this wont work either. The location of testString will change between the two programs. I've got to go. If someone else hasn't helped you, I'll help later.

    And you really should be writing and reading a word to the EEPROM since memory location can be higher that 255 (the limit of one byte).
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2012-01-12 15:22
    I don't know if this is the problem you're having as I don't have the I2C Object you're using, but many I2C objects require the 4.7K pull-up resistors on the SCL/SDA lines to work properly. Not all Propeller Boards have the resistor on the SCL line. I think with the GG board it depends on which revision of the board you have. Do you have Rev. C?

    Or you could try the following program (attached) I created by modifying the Monitor object Chip Gracey wrote. It will let you read/write individual EEPROM locations. I use this to troubleshoot EEPROM connections.
  • davidpzkdavidpzk Posts: 19
    edited 2012-01-12 15:39
    That EEPROM monitor is cool!

    My EEPROM writing problem is still a mystery...
  • davidpzkdavidpzk Posts: 19
    edited 2012-01-12 15:45
    I tried another object and also did not have any success actually writing to the EEPROM
      _clkmode = rcfast
    RomEngine: "Basic_I2C_Driver"
    term : "Parallax Serial Terminal" 
    PUB Main
    term.str(string("Init routine",13))
    RomEngine.Initialize (28)                  '(dataPinNumber, clockPinNumber, lockNumberToUse)
    waitcnt (10000000+cnt)
    term.str(string("Start routine",13))
    RomEngine.Start (28) 
    waitcnt (10000000+cnt)   
    term.str(string("writing 123 to eeprom memory location 8090",13))
    RomEngine.writeByte(28,0,8090, 3)           '(EEPROMaddress, value)
    waitcnt (10000000+cnt)                                                                          
    term.str(string("pausing just incase", 13)) 
    waitcnt (10000000+cnt)
    term.str (string("reading from memory location 8090", 13))
    term.str (string(">>>"))
    term.str (RomEngine.ReadByte(28, 0, 8090))
    term.str (string("<<<"))

    Here is the display of my terminal window showing that no data has been stored to the Gadget Gangster EEPROM

    Start routine
    writing 123 to eeprom memory location 8090
    pausing just incase
    reading from memory location 8090
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2012-01-12 15:49
    davidpzk wrote: »
    That EEPROM monitor is cool!

    My EEPROM writing problem is still a mystery...

    So the EEPROM Monitor did not work for you either?
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2012-01-12 16:03
    Try running it again and open the Parallax Serial Terminal @ 19,200bps to the COM Port used by your Propeller board. Click inside the send box and hit enter. That should give you a memory dump of the first 'page' of data in the EEPROM. Now type in 0600 and press enter, you should see a memory dump starting at address $0600. Type in 0600 41 and press enter, then type 0600 and press enter again. You should see something like what the screenshot below shows. The letter A ($41) should be at the first memory location in that dump ($0600). Does this work for you?
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 15,004
    edited 2012-01-12 16:48
    My personal favorite is the "Propeller Eeprom" object the PE kit library...
    Most Prop systems have a 64kB eeprom and you can use the upper 32k for general storage...
    That is very small and simple and easy to use.
    Mike Green has a more versitile version in OBEX

    Propeller Eeprom.spin (from the PE Kit Lab)
  • davidpzkdavidpzk Posts: 19
    edited 2012-01-12 17:02
    Hi Chris,

    The EEPROM monitor/dump works amazingly well.

    My problem is still not solved.
  • davidpzkdavidpzk Posts: 19
    edited 2012-01-12 17:14
    Hi Rayman,

    The Propeller Eeprom object only suppots copying from ram to rom and from rom to ram in a range of addresses. Thats not what I am trying to do here.

    I would love to write a byte (just one little tiny byte) to a know location in the EEPROM, then successfully recall it.
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2012-01-12 17:15
    davidpzk wrote: »
    The Propeller Eeprom object only suppots copying from ram to rom and from rom to ram in a range of addresses. Thats not what I am trying to do here.
    I would love to write a byte (just one little tiny byte) to a know location in the EEPROM, then successfully recall it.
    In this case set startaddress == endaddress, there is your byte write.
  • davidpzkdavidpzk Posts: 19
    edited 2012-01-12 18:03
    Ok Chris, Rayman, and Kuroneko.

    We are getting off topic here.

    Using the above code (which by all right should work). I cannot successfully write to an AT24C512. This is annoying, I can watch the Propeller Tool do a successful write but none of the i2c objects work.

    Here is another simple sample using another i2c object that does not work. Im sure I am doing something wrong, but cant figure out what that might be.
      _clkmode = rcfast
    RomEngine: "Basic_I2C_Driver"
    term : "Parallax Serial Terminal" 
    PUB Main
    term.str(string("Init routine",13))
    RomEngine.Initialize (28)                  '(dataPinNumber, clockPinNumber, lockNumberToUse)
    waitcnt (10000000+cnt)
    term.str(string("Start routine",13))
    RomEngine.Start (28) 
    waitcnt (10000000+cnt)   
    term.str(string("writing 123 to eeprom memory location 8090",13))
    RomEngine.writeByte(28,0,8090, 3)           '(SCL, devSel, addrReg, data)
    waitcnt (10000000+cnt)
    term.str(string("pausing just incase", 13)) 
    waitcnt (10000000+cnt)
    term.str (string("reading from memory location 8090", 13))
    term.str (string(">>>"))
    term.str (RomEngine.readByte(28,0,8090))    '(SCL, devSel, addrReg)
    term.str (string("<<<"))
  • davidpzkdavidpzk Posts: 19
    edited 2012-01-12 18:22
    Ok... I think I figured out my problem... Although I dont understand why.

    I wanted to upload a small routine into the EEPROM that wrote to itself, then upload a different routine into RAM ONLY that would check the EEPROM and confirm that the former routine wrote to the EEPROM.

    For whatever reason, this dosent work. Maybe someone can explain why...

    Very weird...
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2012-01-12 18:26
    This works for me:
    [COLOR="red"]  _clkmode = XTAL1|PLL16X
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
    RomEngine: "Basic_I2C_Driver"
    term : "Parallax Serial Terminal" 
    PUB Main
    waitcnt(clkfreq*3 + cnt)
    term.str(string("Init routine",13))
    RomEngine.Initialize (28)                  '(dataPinNumber, clockPinNumber, lockNumberToUse)
    waitcnt (10000000+cnt)
    term.str(string("Start routine",13))
    RomEngine.Start (28) 
    waitcnt (10000000+cnt)   
    term.str(string("writing 123 to eeprom memory location 8090",13))
    RomEngine.writeByte(28,[COLOR="red"]RomEngine#EEPROM[/COLOR],8090, 123)         '(SCL, devSel, addrReg, data)
    waitcnt (10000000+cnt)
    term.str(string("pausing just incase", 13)) 
    waitcnt (10000000+cnt)
    term.str (string("reading from memory location 8090", 13))
    term.str (string(">>>"))
    term.[COLOR="red"]dec[/COLOR] (RomEngine.readByte(28,[COLOR="red"]RomEngine#EEPROM[/COLOR],8090))  '(SCL, devSel, addrReg)
    term.str (string("<<<"))
    The _clkmode change is mainly for the serial terminal. You won't get 115k2 with RCFAST.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-01-13 07:05

    It looks like kuroneko has you pointed in the right direction.

    I personally use Propeller EEPROM for my EEPROM needs. Here's a little program to write and read a few bytes to EEPROM.

      _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X
      _CLKFREQ = 80_000_000
      _DebugBaud = 57600
      Eeprom : "Propeller Eeprom"
      Debug : "fullduplexserial"
    PUB Main | localIndex
      Debug.start(31, 30, 0, _DebugBaud)
      waitcnt(clkfreq / 1000 + cnt) ' wait for serial driver cog to start
      repeat while debug.rxcheck == -1
        if result++ // 40 == 0 ' result is a temporary variable all methods have.
          Debug.str(String(13, "Press any key to start."))
        waitcnt(clkfreq / 10 + cnt) ' This line waits a tenth of a second
      Debug.str(String(13, 13, "Writing ", 34))
      Debug.str(String(34," to EEPROM location $"))
      Debug.hex($7000, 4)
      Eeprom.FromRam(@testBuffer, @testBuffer + 2, $7000)
      Debug.str(String(13, 13, "Reading from EEPROM location $"))
      Debug.hex($7000, 4)
      Eeprom.ToRam(@emptyBuffer, @emptyBuffer + 2, $7000)
      Debug.str(String(13, "The following was read from EEPROM: ", 34))
      repeat ' keep program alive
    testBuffer    byte "123",0
    emptyBuffer   byte 0[4] ' leave a terminating zero

    I loaded the above to EEPROM and ran the program. I then loaded the following to RAM only.
      _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X
      _CLKFREQ = 80_000_000
      _DebugBaud = 57600
      Eeprom : "Propeller Eeprom"
      Debug : "fullduplexserial"
    PUB Main | localIndex
      Debug.start(31, 30, 0, _DebugBaud)
      waitcnt(clkfreq / 1000 + cnt) ' wait for serial driver cog to start
      repeat while debug.rxcheck == -1
        if result++ // 40 == 0 ' result is a temporary variable all methods have.
          Debug.str(String(13, "Press any key to start."))
        waitcnt(clkfreq / 10 + cnt) ' This line waits a tenth of a second
     { Debug.str(String(13, 13, "Writing ", 34))
      Debug.str(String(34," to EEPROM location $"))
      Debug.hex($7000, 4)
      Eeprom.FromRam(@testBuffer, @testBuffer + 2, $7000)    }
      Debug.str(String(13, 13, "Reading from EEPROM location $"))
      Debug.hex($7000, 4)
      Eeprom.ToRam(@emptyBuffer, @emptyBuffer + 2, $7000)
      Debug.str(String(13, "The following was read from EEPROM: ", 34))
      repeat ' keep program alive
    'testBuffer    byte "123",0
    emptyBuffer   byte 0[4] ' leave a terminating zero

    This is the output from the two programs.
    Press any key to start.
    Writing "123" to EEPROM location $7000
    Reading from EEPROM location $7000
    The following was read from EEPROM: "123"
    Press any key to start.
    Reading from EEPROM location $7000
    The following was read from EEPROM: "123"

    I'm attaching the first program as an archive.

    Your troubles in using "Basic_I2C" were caused in part by using incorrect parameter.

    You've also been using the wrong data types in many of your programs. You originally were writing a memory location to EEPROM not what was stored in the memory location.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-01-13 07:24

    You might want to take a look at this thread.

    It has a lot of good information about using Mike Green's Basic_I2C_Driver (including some examples by Mike).

    kuroneko's corrections might make more sense after you read it.
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2012-01-13 09:39
    davidpzk wrote: »
    Hi Chris,

    The EEPROM monitor/dump works amazingly well.

    My problem is still not solved.


    My goal in providing the example code was not to solve your problem but rather to provide an alternate means of verifying your EEPROM was able to be read/written properly by a known working object. Based on the name of the object you are using and my lack of familiarity with it I would not be able to provide details for that object. That object, by name, referenced ROM and I was trying to provide EEPROM access, which is what you wanted. At this point I will defer this to those who can help with the object you're trying to use. The only reference to the object I could find was the following thread where another member was also having issue reading/writing the EEPROM.
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