USB serial driver
I am new to the Propeller. I bought a C3 from Parallax along with the USB interface cable. Unfortunately I cannot get it working. The following messages appear in DPINST.LOG after installation of the FTDI driver.
INFO: ENTER: DriverPackageInstallW
INFO: ftdibus.inf: checking signature with catalog
'c:\documents and settings\administrator\local settings\application data\parallax\driver installer\drivers\' ...
INFO: Driver package 'ftdibus.inf' is WHQL signed.
INFO: Installing INF file 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRVSTORE\ftdibus_118A55261B69F7B89BB91BE915A947C0AFB10811\ftdibus.inf'
of Type 6.
INFO: Looking for Model Section [FtdiHw]...
INFO: Installing devices with Id "USB\Vid_0403&Pid_6001&Rev_0600" using INF
INFO: Installation did not occur because the hardware isn't currently present.
INFO: Phantom Device with Hardware/Compatible Id 'USB\Vid_0403&Pid_6001&Rev_0600' already has
'C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRVSTORE\ftdibus_118A55261B69F7B89BB91BE915A947C0AFB10811\ftdibus.inf' installed on it.
INFO: No drivers installed. No devices found that match driver(s) contained in
SUCCESS:Installation completed with code 0xE000020B.
INFO: RETURN: DriverPackageInstallW (0xE000020B)
I called tech support today and was asked to try another USB cable, which I did. No difference. When I plug in the cable and power up the C3 the following message appears:
Found New Hardware
A problem occurred during hardware installation.
Your new hardware might not work properly.
Any help to get up and running would be greatly appreciated.
INFO: ENTER: DriverPackageInstallW
INFO: ftdibus.inf: checking signature with catalog
'c:\documents and settings\administrator\local settings\application data\parallax\driver installer\drivers\' ...
INFO: Driver package 'ftdibus.inf' is WHQL signed.
INFO: Installing INF file 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRVSTORE\ftdibus_118A55261B69F7B89BB91BE915A947C0AFB10811\ftdibus.inf'
of Type 6.
INFO: Looking for Model Section [FtdiHw]...
INFO: Installing devices with Id "USB\Vid_0403&Pid_6001&Rev_0600" using INF
INFO: Installation did not occur because the hardware isn't currently present.
INFO: Phantom Device with Hardware/Compatible Id 'USB\Vid_0403&Pid_6001&Rev_0600' already has
'C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRVSTORE\ftdibus_118A55261B69F7B89BB91BE915A947C0AFB10811\ftdibus.inf' installed on it.
INFO: No drivers installed. No devices found that match driver(s) contained in
SUCCESS:Installation completed with code 0xE000020B.
INFO: RETURN: DriverPackageInstallW (0xE000020B)
I called tech support today and was asked to try another USB cable, which I did. No difference. When I plug in the cable and power up the C3 the following message appears:
Found New Hardware
A problem occurred during hardware installation.
Your new hardware might not work properly.
Any help to get up and running would be greatly appreciated.
When you installed the driver, was the device connected via USB? If so, try rebooting, disconnect USB cable, reinstall. After installing driver, then connect the device and see if you get a device connected message.
You may need to download the latest driver from the FTDI site for your platform.
Found New Hardware
A problem occurred during hardware installation.
Your new hardware might not work properly.
I downloaded USB View from the FTDI website and ran it. It can see the device. It shows up as a black exclamation point in a box with a yellow background and text next to it that says
[Loc 7311] DeviceConnected
So I don't think there's a problem with the C3 hardware or cable, the problem has something to do with the driver.
What I did next was try to install the Propeller Tool + driver on an old IBM Thinkpad running Windows 2000. Same problem as with the HP company laptop. The software installs fine but when the C3 is connected the following message appears and the Propeller Tool can't see the C3.
Found New Hardware
A problem occurred during hardware installation.
Your new hardware might not work properly.
So next I installed the Propeller Tool + driver on an old Dell GX280 workstation running XP. It worked! I even downloaded a simple program and ran it on the C3.
The antivirus software was probably the problem on the HP company laptop but wasn't an issue on the Thinkpad. Any clues? I'd really like to get the Propeller Tool running on a laptop.
I loaded the FTDI drivers and Brad's Spin Tool (BST) on a MacbookPro running OSX 10.5 today using the instructions from this site and it worked fine.