12V Down to 5V

What is the most efficient IC for such task? DC-DC converter? Any advice on part#?
What is the most efficient IC for such task? DC-DC converter? Any advice on part#?
Artesyn LDO03C-005W05-VJ
BTW – Layout is very important. Follow the guidelines on page 9 of the National data sheet for best results.
@Tubular – That is a great deal since it is a complete module. The LM2675 is $4.98 Canadian from DigiKey. By the time the cost of labor, the PCB and other parts are factored in the LM2675 supply costs me about $13.00 – $14.00. The Artesyn LDO03C-005W05-VJ is $10.40 CDN. Too bad the input voltage rating is only 3V – 13.8V. I need a 24V rating for lot of what I do, and like to have a 50% safety margin on top of that.
PS - I forgot to mention that there is a layout for the fixed and adjustable SO8 (smt) regulator on page 22 of the data sheet. Those layouts work very well and can be adapted for the 8 pin dip very easily.
@Tubular, Good find. I'll take a look. Thanks.
@kwinn, got it. Thanks.
The advantage is of course you can always revert to a $1 basic 7805 if your circuit/application isn't going to draw much current, or if you're going to run it from a 7~9v wall wart
Here's the link to the Cui (72v, $11ish) and Recom (32v, $5ish) part #'s
The inductance I use is 150uH.