Check this code please
this is my first propeller project. I try to read touch coordinates from uLCD-32PT 3.2" 240x320px LCD from 4D systems. So far I was able to control the display (write strings, images, videos etc)... But I'm straggling for 3 days now to get right XY touch coords from it. Received X coord is correct but Y is not, always about 100px more.
The datasheet says:
For serial send "cmd, mode"
CMD: 6F(hex) or o(ascii) : Command header byte
MODE:...04hex : Get Touch status, 05hex : Get Touch coordinates
Response: x_coord(msb:lsb), y_coord(msb:lsb)
For testing I create image with 3 check points,at (X-20px,Y-20px), (X-80px, Y-20px) and (X-120px, Y-60px) upload it to the display and try to read XY, than to draw the circle at that loacation.
With this code:
But as you can see at attached image, Y coordinate is always missed.
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, can you help me?
here is debug from PST:
Thank you
this is my first propeller project. I try to read touch coordinates from uLCD-32PT 3.2" 240x320px LCD from 4D systems. So far I was able to control the display (write strings, images, videos etc)... But I'm straggling for 3 days now to get right XY touch coords from it. Received X coord is correct but Y is not, always about 100px more.
The datasheet says:
For serial send "cmd, mode"
CMD: 6F(hex) or o(ascii) : Command header byte
MODE:...04hex : Get Touch status, 05hex : Get Touch coordinates
Response: x_coord(msb:lsb), y_coord(msb:lsb)
For testing I create image with 3 check points,at (X-20px,Y-20px), (X-80px, Y-20px) and (X-120px, Y-60px) upload it to the display and try to read XY, than to draw the circle at that loacation.
With this code:
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 VAR BYTE X[2],Y[2] OBJ disp: "Simple_Serial" pst: "Parallax Serial Terminal" PUB start pst.Start(9600) pst.Str(string("PST ready",13)) disp.init(25, 24, 9600) waitcnt(clkfreq*2+cnt) disp.tx($55) ' Auto baud GET_ACK disp.tx($45) ' Clear display GET_ACK GET_TOUCH_XY ' Get touch XY cordintes PUB GET_TOUCH_XY | idx ENABLE_TOUCH ' PUT_IMG ' Image for testing coordinates repeat disp.tx($6F) ' Check if disp.tx($04) ' touch pressed cmd GET_ACK idx:= disp.rx if idx==1 ' if so disp.tx($6F) ' Get disp.tx($05) ' x_coord(msb:lsb), y_coord(msb:lsb) X[1] := disp.rx X[0] := disp.rx Y[1] := disp.rx Y[0] := disp.rx pst.str(string("MSB X : ")) ' Debug via PST pst.Dec(X[1]) pst.NewLine pst.str(string("LSB X : ")) pst.Dec(X[0]) pst.NewLine pst.str(string("MSB Y : ")) pst.Dec(Y[1]) pst.NewLine pst.str(string("LSB Y : ")) pst.Dec(Y[0]) pst.NewLine pst.NewLine pst.DEC(word[@X]) pst.str(string(", ")) pst.DEC(word[@Y]) pst.newline disp.tx($43) ' Now draw disp.tx(X[1]) ' circle disp.tx(X[0]) disp.tx(Y[1]) ' to the disp.tx(Y[0]) ' display disp.tx($00) ' at the same XY disp.tx($05) disp.tx($00) disp.tx($1F) GET_ACK PUB ENABLE_TOUCH disp.tx($59) disp.tx($05) disp.tx($00) GET_ACK PUB GET_ACK | ack ack:=disp.rx if ack==$06 pst.Str(string(13,"ACK",13)) else pst.Str(string("NACK",13)) PUB PUT_IMG disp.tx($40) disp.tx($49) disp.tx($00) disp.tx($00) disp.tx($00) disp.tx($00) disp.tx($00) disp.tx($F0) disp.tx($01) disp.tx($40) disp.tx($10) disp.tx($00) disp.tx($02) disp.tx($58) GET_ACK
But as you can see at attached image, Y coordinate is always missed.
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, can you help me?
here is debug from PST:
#1 dot pressed: MSB X : 0 LSB X : 19 MSB Y : 0 LSB Y : 137 Dec values: 19, 137 #2 dot pressed: MSB X : 0 LSB X : 77 MSB Y : 0 LSB Y : 137 Dec values: 77, 137 #3 dot pressed: MSB X : 0 LSB X : 119 MSB Y : 0 LSB Y : 157 Dec values: 119, 157
Thank you