Samsung touts Super OLED as Sony quits the business
LG 55-inch OLED ->
Very early visitors to the Las Vegas Convention Center for CES have spotted a sign that Samsung is fully committing to OLED TVs just as Sony was getting out. A banner seen by The Verge pitches Super OLED as making for the "Ultimate TV" and a "Super OLED Sensation." What it involves isn't, clear, but it may be a parallel to LG's 55-inch OLED set in having color accuracy and a comparatively cheap to make technology.
Whether it's just a concept or a shipping device isn't apparent, but should be elaborated with Samsung's pre-CES event on January 9.
Its decision follows just as claims have emerged that Sony is quitting OLED sets. Having already dropped the XEL-1, the world's first OLED TV set, it was also believed by the Daily Yomiuri to be dropping plans for future sets. Poor sales and low investment reportedly led Sony to lag behind LG, Samsung, and others in scaling to large OLED screens.
Sony hadn't issued a formal statement on whether or not it had cancelled its OLED plans; the Japanese report didn't cite sources and may have been pure rumor. However, Sony and other Japanese companies have been consolidating their display technology across the board and are looking to cut losses at a time when TV demand is low.
LG 55-inch OLED ->
Very early visitors to the Las Vegas Convention Center for CES have spotted a sign that Samsung is fully committing to OLED TVs just as Sony was getting out. A banner seen by The Verge pitches Super OLED as making for the "Ultimate TV" and a "Super OLED Sensation." What it involves isn't, clear, but it may be a parallel to LG's 55-inch OLED set in having color accuracy and a comparatively cheap to make technology.
Whether it's just a concept or a shipping device isn't apparent, but should be elaborated with Samsung's pre-CES event on January 9.
Its decision follows just as claims have emerged that Sony is quitting OLED sets. Having already dropped the XEL-1, the world's first OLED TV set, it was also believed by the Daily Yomiuri to be dropping plans for future sets. Poor sales and low investment reportedly led Sony to lag behind LG, Samsung, and others in scaling to large OLED screens.
Sony hadn't issued a formal statement on whether or not it had cancelled its OLED plans; the Japanese report didn't cite sources and may have been pure rumor. However, Sony and other Japanese companies have been consolidating their display technology across the board and are looking to cut losses at a time when TV demand is low.