Direct FM receive questions

So I had an idea of how to do Direct FM reception. I'm generating a carrier on one counter, then gating it in A&B or A==B mode into the second counter. I then sample the counter at the desired sample rate, which is bufsize samples per second.
I'm getting something recognizable, but not legible.
Perhaps someone could give me some ideas?
I'm getting something recognizable, but not legible.
Perhaps someone could give me some ideas?
CON _clkmode = XTAL1 + PLL16X _xinfreq = 5_000_000 ' magicnum = 491_715_550 magicnum = 491_740_200 bufsize = 7680 OBJ pst: "Parallax Serial Terminal" VAR long buffer[bufsize] PUB Main | p, time, x pst.Start(115_200) pst.Clear DIRA[0]~~ FRQA:= magicnum CTRA:=010_111 << 23 + 0 FRQB:= 1 CTRB:=001_000 << 23 + 2 << 9 + 1 x:=clkfreq/bufsize time := cnt p:=0 repeat bufsize buffer[p++] := PHSB PHSB:=0 'pst.Bin(p,32) 'pst.Newline waitcnt(time += x) CTRB:=0 CTRA:=0 FRQA:=0 DIRA[3]~~ CTRA:=110 << 26 + 3 repeat time := cnt repeat p from 0 to bufsize-1 FRQA:=buffer[p] << 16 waitcnt(time += x) ' waitcnt(clkfreq + x)
I think this method might work on an IF, but not directly demodulating a 100 MHz broadcast. What prevents all the other stations from interfering?