Boe bot Program files
I'm able to write short programs and my Boe Bot will run them as long as my usb cable is connected. How do I write the program files to the stamp so the Boe Bot will run without being connected to the USB.
Is there a book or manual on just the Pbasic langiage and syntax?
I would like to see a sample program that will take the robot through a series of navigational moves.
I just got it yesterday and I would like to get to programming without having to go thru all of the student info, such as what is a resistor. I have completed a lot of the programs in the Manual, zeroing out the servos, getting the LED's to work etc.
Is there a book or manual on just the Pbasic langiage and syntax?
I would like to see a sample program that will take the robot through a series of navigational moves.
I just got it yesterday and I would like to get to programming without having to go thru all of the student info, such as what is a resistor. I have completed a lot of the programs in the Manual, zeroing out the servos, getting the LED's to work etc.
Also download "What's a Microcontroller?" if you don't have it already.
Both (and other stuff) can be found via the Parallax Downloads page under Basic Stamp Documentation and Educational Tutorials and Translations.
The BoeBot will execute whatever program has been downloaded to it whenever the power is turned on or when you press the reset button. The only time you would need the USB connection is if you use the DEBUGIN statement in your program. DEBUG statements will work although they'll transmit their data to a non-existent PC (which is ok to do).
Downloading to the stamp is where I'm stuck, Does the editor automatically download a program to the stamp.?
When you say "Execute" the program, do you mean selecting the "Run" button ,(or F9), in the Editor? If you select "Run", the program that is in the Editor at the time is automatically downloaded to the EEPROM on the Stamp chip. There is really no way to run the program without it being downloaded to the Stamp first. That program should run after a "Reset" or a power off then on. Be advised, any program that uses the servos require the on-off switch be in position 2 to apply power to the servos, but I think you already knew that.
Do you have an example program that does not work without the USB cable. I can give it a try.
The Identify operation of the Stamp Editor stops after the identification information is received. The Run operation does all the steps. It uses the Stamp model information to verify that the program is written for that Stamp model.
Not different used batteries. New batteries.
Pulsout 13, 850
Pulsout 12, 650
Pause 20
I hit run and it ran the program with and without the USB cable
I swear I tried it ten times and it wouldn't work. Now! can I put more than one program at a time in the EEPROM and if so how would I select the program I want to run.
I;m getting there. I just have to erase my mind of what I did in the past and start from scratch. I'm sure I'll have more problems and questions. Thanks
Just Thinking. With EEPROM you can only enter one program as the next prgram will erase the previous one. To Accomlish more than one action, or event, you have to write a single program that includes all of the actions you want to achieve.
As an aside in trying out the "Say It" module it mentions a "bridge". It says the GUI will ask you if you want to load the bridge. When I tried it there wasn't any mention of a bridge.
Glad you are making some progress.
Do be sure to include the directives at the top of you program:
' {$STAMP BS2} (Depending on the chip you are using.)
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
The Basic Stamp2 can only hold one program. So must modify the program and download it with you new code.
The BS2Pe, B2SX, BS240, and BS2PX have additional "Program Slots", but these can not be programmed separably. Not something to consider until you have mastered the BS2.
Sorry, I have no knowledge in the use of the SayIt module.
It's a good idea when posting code to use the advanced properties and use the Code Tag to show the exact code you used. This way others can cut and paste into the Editor program to test. It also preservers the indentations that are required for loops.
What is the bridge they're referring to and where do I find it?
If you're able to interact with the SayIt, the bridge has likely been installed by the GUI. The bridge is a program to pass the serial signal from the computer to the SayIt and and to pass whatever the SayIt outputs back to the computer. This lets the program on the computer interact with the SayIt module.
Very cool! The Boe-Bot is a lot of fun.
Yes, The female headers are there to make it easy to connect things to the BS2's pins. Just use a different pin than used by the SayIt, servo or other devices attached to the Stamp.