Bit banging code for serial communication
I have a device that I need to control with a BS2p40 via RS-232. The device requires 8 data bits and even parity, which are not supported by SERIN/SEROUT from the BS. Does anyone have bit banging code for serial communication I could use (in whole or at least as a starting point)?
The device settings are:
Baud 19200
1 start bit
8 data bits
1 even parity
1 stop bit
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
I have a device that I need to control with a BS2p40 via RS-232. The device requires 8 data bits and even parity, which are not supported by SERIN/SEROUT from the BS. Does anyone have bit banging code for serial communication I could use (in whole or at least as a starting point)?
The device settings are:
Baud 19200
1 start bit
8 data bits
1 even parity
1 stop bit
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
I hope you also ordered the necessary baud rate crystal!
There is a configuration word that sets various options. Once that is done, you can transmit data words, and the 9 lsbs contain your data. Note that the MAX3100 does not calculate parity. It expects your code to do that and to stuff it into the 9th bit.
evenparity = x.bit7 ^ x.bit6 ^ x.bit5 ^ x.bit4 ^ x.bit3 ^ x.bit2 ^ x.bit1 ^ x.bit0
There may be a trick fast way to do that, but I have forgotten. Ask if you have specific questions. Monday, huh?!
The MAX3100 on the other hand includes neither the charge pump nor the inverting driver/receiver, so you would have to add those in the form of a MAX232 or some such.
The crystal required is either 1.8432MHz or 3.6864MHz and it takes two 18pF or 20pF capacitors (either one will do). Or a resonator such as this one, which incorporates the capacitors.
One more question- if I know that the max data received will be 9 bytes, would I need to worry about the 8 byte buffer for received data not being enough? I wouldn't think so, but thought I'd ask anyways...
-- For 19.2kbaud using a 3.6864MHz crystal, I think you want "A" for the baud rate choice:
SHIFTOUT din, sclk, MSBFIRST,[$C02A\16]
To make RTS high=stop I think the mask should be $20
char.BYTE1 = $20 + Pt ' make rts high=stop, adds parity bit
The code to turn RTS low= start, without transmitting data, should be $8400.
SHIFTOUT din, sclk, MSBFIRST,[$8400\16]
As to the question of whether RTS needs to be used to hold off a response from the peripheral until the transmission from the Stamp is finished, that depends on the peripheral. It is a non-issue if the peripheral has to receive the entire 13-byte command from the Stamp before it sends back its response. But if the peripheral starts sending back immediately, you will have to make allowances for that. You will notice that Al William's code bit-bangs the shiftin/shiftout, in order to allow transmission and reception at the same time, and Al explained his rationale for doing it that way. It depends on how the peripheral works, and there are workarounds too that still use the Stamp's SHIFTxxx commands.
- I forgot to specify that I'm using a 1.8432MHz crystal; is $C020 good?
- Regarding RTS (getting ready to send data), I was following your "fox" example, but I didn't copy over your entire comment "rts is bit 1, pin is made high when bit is low". This is preparing to send data. You also have "char.byte1=$80". Is that right?
char.byte1=$80 ' make rts high, red led on
' rts is bit 1, pin is made high when bit is low.
- I think I need to do the opposite for ending the transmission; I used your same values for turning off RTS (below). Is that right?
low cs ' now turn off RTS pin
' the TE\ bit=1, so no data is transmitted.
shiftout din,sclk,msbfirst,[$8600\16]
high cs
- I did notice how Al Williams allowed to receive while transmitting; my peripheral "shouldn't" respond until my last (13th) byte is transmitted. Then, it will respond with 8 bytes of it's own in one case, and in another case it will respond with 9 bytes (I will know when). Since the buffer for the MAX3110 is only 8 bytes, will that be a problem if the response is 9 bytes?
I forgot that the RTS bit is inverted at the RTS\ pin on the chip and will be inverted again when you jumper the RTS\ pin over to the T2in pin that then produces the RS232 output levels. See "Figure 13. RS-232 Typical Operating Circuit". So in that case, the RTS bit controls flow in the standard manner of logical high=start and low=stop.
The response of 9 bytes should not be a problem 1) if you can read out at least one byte before the peripheral sends the 9th, or 2) RTS can control the flow from the peripheral.
My code using SHIFT should also work, judging from what you have said about the command/response protocol of the device.
I am using SHIFT, as you recommended (I'm only using the hardware setup with MAX3110 from Al Williams' example, not the code).
With a multimeter, you should find that the output voltage from RS232 tx pin on the chip is -5V or thereabouts. And if you have the Stamp stream out ascii nulls as fast as possible, you should see that voltage flickering upward. The Stamp should be able to control the RTS output. These are just things to see if the chip is hooked up correctly. One common mistake with SHIFT commands is to have the Dout and Din lines reversed.
A device like the Saleae logic analyzer that Parallax sells can be almost more even more valuable than a cheap 'scope for this kind of situation, because it can decode the data that you can also see displayed on the computer screen.
Check pin 9 (X2) with a voltmeter to be sure the cystal is oscillating, it should be about 2.5V DC average. About the layout, this from the data sheet...
Note: It is very important to keep crystal, resonator, and
load-capacitor leads and traces as short and direct as
possible. Make the X1 and X2 trace lengths and ground
tracks short, with no intervening traces.
BTW, any idea of how I change this thread to "solved"?
There should be a little dropdown box at the top of your message composition screen that lets you change the un/solved status.