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Here's an idea for a new video game — Parallax Forums

Here's an idea for a new video game

ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
edited 2012-01-06 09:10 in General Discussion
Here's my idea for a new video game. Maybe somebody can make one involving a Propeller or something.

The concept is simple, but the goal of the player is nearly impossible:

The player's goal is to prevent kids from playing video games.

So you have a virtual building, a house or dormitory or whatever, and you (the player) must move through the virtual building and do whatever it takes to get virtual kids off their video games and out doing something in real life.

The player gets to use crowbars, catapults, wild horses and high explosives, but after the smoke clears, the kids always remain glued to the virtual couch, still clicking away at their virtual video games.

And I guess you could make it multi-player so some of the players could be the kids playing the video games, trying to continue playing while their dad tries dragging them away from the game with wild horses, a crowbar and high explosives planted under their butts.

Think there's a market for it?


  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2012-01-06 00:08
    There is always the 'god mode' where you go to the breaker box.
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2012-01-06 08:00
    W9GFO wrote: »
    There is always the 'god mode' where you go to the breaker box.

    Yeah, but the breaker box is in the basement buried behind multiple crates of old video games your 38 year old son imported from China but never sold, and he's now living in your basement with his second wife and six kids, all 8 of whom do nothing but play video games day and night in a kind of zombie-eyed marathon.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2012-01-06 08:32
    ...whom do nothing but play video games day and night in a kind of zombie-eyed marathon.

    I run marathons & do long bike rides, so I consume my fair share of "Power Gels" and energy drinks on the fly. Fuel for physical activity. But I laugh out loud when I'm waiting in the Fry's checkout line and see that they actually sell 'energy potions' for gamers, often looking like little vials of blood. Mainly sugar & caffeine. What, these people can't be bothered to put the game on pause to take a nap or get a square meal? Gimme a break. Per this article, they're lifeless losers:
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2012-01-06 09:10
    erco wrote: »
    ...they actually sell 'energy potions' for gamers...

    Dear lawrd. That's the funniest and yet saddest thing I've seen all morning. But your following comment gave me a new product idea:

    erco wrote: »
    ...these people can't be bothered to put the game on pause to take a nap or get a square meal...

    How about a kind of all-day diaper they can wear so they don't have to walk the twenty-odd feet to make it to the toilet? We can model it after the Depends Adult Undergarment and name it "Data Dump".

    I can see the ad now:


    "I don't need WeightWatchers. I just need a change of underwear."
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