7 Segment Display - Serial Multiplexing
I have a couple of common anode 7 segment displays, some 74HC595 registers, and a DS1302 clock chip & a Basic Stamp 40 pin module. I want to make a clock for fun and I have no idea how to begin. Programming shouldn't be an issue as I am okay with writing code, its the hardware design that I need help with. I want the displays to be bright and have a potentiometer to control the brightness. I guess what I am getting at is how do I control the displays serial with three pins and still maintain brightness?
I believe you could daisy-chain the 595s (SQ(H) to A), and clock out the n*8 data bits. Once that is done, clock the Latch Clock pins, which will load the latch. Tie /OE low so the display does not tri-state.
With 7 segment LED displays and 595s - hope this helps? The code we used is also available here (though for the Propeller):
Gorilla, post a schematic of your setup with source code.