Problem Interfacing micro SD card with Propeller
Hey everybody,
I am trying to interface with multiple modules: GPS, LCD, XBee, and micro SD. I have successfully communicated with all of the components, but the SD card refuses to reliably write files. I can write a program that writes successfully to the card, but a seemingly benign change will cause written files to be corrupted (the titles of the files are non-ascii characters and the computer can't open them). I constructed a rudimentary program that reproduces the problem.
As posted, the following code wrote all three files successfully. However, if I un-commented the GPU.start_GPS line, the third file is corrupted. The intermittent delays is me trying to reproduce this behavior. I have checked my wiring, and I am pretty sure it is correct. Again, I have successfully interfaced with all modules, so I don't think it is hardware. Also, I am using version 2.6 of the "fsrw.spin" file.
Could it be the way I formatted the SD card? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
micro SD card INFO:
formatted using Windows VISTA (FAT32, allocation size = 16kb)
The start_GPS method is posted below:
I am trying to interface with multiple modules: GPS, LCD, XBee, and micro SD. I have successfully communicated with all of the components, but the SD card refuses to reliably write files. I can write a program that writes successfully to the card, but a seemingly benign change will cause written files to be corrupted (the titles of the files are non-ascii characters and the computer can't open them). I constructed a rudimentary program that reproduces the problem.
As posted, the following code wrote all three files successfully. However, if I un-commented the GPU.start_GPS line, the third file is corrupted. The intermittent delays is me trying to reproduce this behavior. I have checked my wiring, and I am pretty sure it is correct. Again, I have successfully interfaced with all modules, so I don't think it is hardware. Also, I am using version 2.6 of the "fsrw.spin" file.
Could it be the way I formatted the SD card? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
micro SD card INFO:
formatted using Windows VISTA (FAT32, allocation size = 16kb)
con _xinfreq = 5_000_000 _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x LCD_pin = 27 SD_pin = 0 Prop2GPS_Rx = 24 Prop2GPS_Tx = 25 Var byte message1[20] byte message2[20] byte sdready byte filename[20] OBJ lcd : "Serial_Lcd" delay : "Timing" sdfat : "fsrw" GPU : "gps_utils" PUB main 'GPU.start_GPS(Prop2GPS_Rx, Prop2GPS_Tx, 0, 4800) lcd.start(LCD_pin, 19200, 4) lcd.cls delay.pause1ms(100) message1 := string("please work") message2 := string("another message") ' mount SD card sdready := sdfat.mount(SD_pin) lcd.str(message1) '' write first file filename := string("file_a6.txt") sdfat.popen(filename, "w") sdfat.pwrite(message1,10) delay.pause1ms(10) sdfat.pwrite(message2,10) sdfat.pputc(65) sdfat.pclose filename := string("file_b6.txt") sdfat.popen(filename, "w") sdfat.pwrite(message2,10) sdfat.pclose delay.pause1ms(1000) filename := string("file_c6.txt") sdfat.popen(filename, "w") sdfat.pwrite(message2,10) sdfat.pclose delay.pause1ms(1000)
The start_GPS method is posted below:
PUB start_GPS (PropRx_pin, PropTx_pin, mode, baud) cog_used := uart.start(PropRx_pin, PropTx_pin, mode, baud)
Your test program will work if you declare message1, message2 and filename as word or long variables.