Good luck, Humanoido
In case you haven't heard, Humanoido has moved the Big Brain project off the Parallax forums and onto an off-site blog.
Humanoido, glad to hear you've found a home big enough to house that burgeoning Big Brain of yours. Please do keep us posted occasionally on its pitfalls and progress, and don't be a stranger.
Good luck!
Humanoido, glad to hear you've found a home big enough to house that burgeoning Big Brain of yours. Please do keep us posted occasionally on its pitfalls and progress, and don't be a stranger.
Good luck!
And please do drop by when you get the chance...
At the same time when things are being set up, we'll blog about several smaller projects - the latest is the Morpher-8 Machine.
This will be the largest lab I've ever devoted to a single Parallax project. It's equal to approximately half a house. The current idea is to consolidate four labs into one and keep a "floating" portable lab for trips in between countries - as you know, a small HD breadboard can hold ten Propeller chips for 80 cores and some powerful parallel "braining."
This is the Big Brain Control Era, a time period in which the Brain is learning how to control things, a precursor to the upcoming Exploration Era where the Brain is going to explore the world that surrounds it and move deep out into the Universe. Whether this will be a telepresence or an actual journey, or both, we do not know.
Morpher-8 is utilizing Beau's object from the Parallax Propeller Obex to control servo positioning. The nice feature of Beau's work is the smooth ramping control that can be accomplished from one servo position to the next and it can handle lots of servos - we think it's a technical masterpiece.
Big Brain
Regardless of whether one agrees with the projects methods, presentation, or conclusions; or if one considers it research or sci-fi, one must admit that the big brain project is thoroughly interesting and thought provoking. As evidenced by the the effort expended on it by those following it for whatever reason.
One day, we may tell our grandchildren about how we witnessed the start of the big brain project on these forums.
Edit -- Removed comments with incorrect stereotypes of Luddites--Edit
Here's to the big brain! I hope our new robotic overlord flourishes in its new home.
I must come to the defense of our great national hero Ned Ludd and those who later used his name The Luddites.
Rather than being against being "..different or interesting in any way, or show[ing] the slightest bit of creativity..." He/they represented skilled craftsmen whose lively hoods had been destroyed by factories, mechanization and the employment of low skilled untrained factory operatives. At a time when people were pretty much starving they were against the concentration of wealth into the hands of the capitalist factory owners.
Sound familiar, "Occupy Wall Street" anyone?
This was serious business, it took 12000 troops to put down the Luddites, more than it took to defeat Napolean if I remember correctly. The people were desperate.
Read more on this fascinating history here: immense creativity of the American Space Program created hundreds of thousands of jobs and spin off technology that stimulated the economy for decades. For centuries, American Indians lived off the land in balance and harmony. The Big Brain believes there is space in this world for both factions - those that believe in a peaceful back to nature movement and those that peacefully aspire in the development of modern technology. There are great merits of each and by incorporating features of both, the world can gain enhancements that are extremely beneficial.
The technology development programs leading up to the Big Brain advocated "green" technology and recycling.
Recycle Your Prop Projects