Read SMS message
Mikael S
Posts: 60
I have Wavecom GSM/GPRS modem connected via MAX2323E to my propeller. I Have no problem to send sms with AT commands, but i can't figure out how to recieve a sms message.
I use this code to send:
Is there anyone who can help me with a tip how i can recieve a message and for example show it in the Serial Terminal.
Grateful for any help!
I have Wavecom GSM/GPRS modem connected via MAX2323E to my propeller. I Have no problem to send sms with AT commands, but i can't figure out how to recieve a sms message.
I use this code to send:
{{Mickes GSM 1.0}} CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 obj gsm: "FullDuplexSerial" debug: "Parallax Serial Terminal" var long stack[90] pub main debug.start (115200) gsm.start (26, 27, 0, 9600) waitcnt (clkfreq * 2 + cnt) gsm.str (string("AT+CMGS=")) 'send sms command gsm.tx(34) ' send a " gsm.str (string("+46708667705")) 'phonenumber gsm.tx(34) gsm.tx(13) ' CR waitcnt (clkfreq * 2 + cnt) gsm.str (string("Hello World!!")) waitcnt (clkfreq * 2 + cnt) gsm.tx(26) 'ctr-z to send message debug.str(string("Klar!"))
Is there anyone who can help me with a tip how i can recieve a message and for example show it in the Serial Terminal.
Grateful for any help!
The string to read an SMS in a memory slot N (N is an integer!!) is:
To have a list of all the stored SMS use:
Let me know if it works.
AT command Meaning
+CNMI New message indications
+CMGL List messages
+CMGR Read messages
+CNMA New message acknowledgement
Below shows a simple example
+CMGL: 1,"REC READ","+85291234567",,"06/11/11,00:30:29+32" Hello, welcome to our SMS tutorial.
+CMGL: 2,"REC READ","+85291234567",,"06/11/11,00:32:20+32" A simple demo of SMS text messaging.
+CMGR: 2,"REC READ","+85291234567",,"06/11/11,00:32:20+32" A simple demo of SMS text messaging.
I forget to tell, i'm a newbee....!
I have the AT commands, but i can´t figure out how to read the serial string from the modem...
I suspect you can do the same on the Wavecom
Is there any "trick" with the wiring of the max3232 that can go wrong? I have just wired the tx and rx directly to the prop pins, is that ok?
There are a couple of traps. With the Telit modules you connect TXD of the modem to TX on the prop, and RXD to RX. This is slightly counter-intuitive as often one would connect TX and RX, and RX to TX. I'm not sure if Wavecom is the same or not - which exact module are you using?
If connecting directly to the prop you need to check the compatibility of the logic levels. Telits have 2.8v logic and a small resistor helps protect too much current from flowing. Or there are proper level shifting ICs if you want to do the job properly.
I'll PM you code I know works with the Telit in case its helpful
I will test the code as soon as possible ( have to work first...!)
The modem is a wavecom fastrack M1203. I think it uses TTL because i have -5v on one of the tx or rx pins when it is not connected.
It sounds like you may be having some connection/hardware issues. Once those are resolved if you have further questions you might find some useful information in this thread or in some of the links therein.
But, to my next problem, i use the Extended FD_Serial obj to recieve the serial strings. Is it possible to extend the recieved bytes from 16 to 25?
I Have read on the forum thats its possible, but i cant figure out how, is there any example that i have missed?
Now i am stucked in next problem. When i try to use STRCOMP to parse the message from the modem with a string, i get no luck.
The code works fine until it get to the strcomp section, it just wont send it to the right PUB.