An ISO file...what do I do with it?

Hi All,
In the remaining efforts to recover from a very nasty malware attack last month, I've received the drivers for my E-MU 0202 USB audio front-end from Creative as an ISO file.
I've never dealt with an ISO file, and what reading I've done on the InterWeb has been confusing at best. So I'm posing my question to the knowledgeable people here.
I'm running Windows XP SP3 and I'd like to load an ISO file - how do I do this?
Thanks and Merry New Year!
***Update - solution found.
It was pointed out to me that my current install of Roxio could meet my needs, which it did very nicely. I now have a fully usable CD with all the drivers.
Thanks to all for your responses and suggestions!
In the remaining efforts to recover from a very nasty malware attack last month, I've received the drivers for my E-MU 0202 USB audio front-end from Creative as an ISO file.
I've never dealt with an ISO file, and what reading I've done on the InterWeb has been confusing at best. So I'm posing my question to the knowledgeable people here.
I'm running Windows XP SP3 and I'd like to load an ISO file - how do I do this?
Thanks and Merry New Year!
***Update - solution found.
It was pointed out to me that my current install of Roxio could meet my needs, which it did very nicely. I now have a fully usable CD with all the drivers.
Thanks to all for your responses and suggestions!
An ISO image is an image of a CD/DVD in a file form. Burn it to an optical disk.
Having said that there must be programs around that allow you to look into that image file directly and extract what ever you want.
Yes, a google for "read iso image" turns this up as a first hit and then many others.
Oh yes, check out winrar.
Had an associate that needed to download and burn Bitdefender ISO. Worked like a champ.
This is one of those programs that everyone should have. It can open almost any compressed archive or disk image you will run across. It adds a 7-Zip option to your right-click menu. Just right-click on the .iso file, select "7-Zip > open archive" (it doesn't "associate" itself with any file types, so you can't just double-click to open).