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Propeller, CrustCrawler Nomad, HB25 and Position Controller issue — Parallax Forums

Propeller, CrustCrawler Nomad, HB25 and Position Controller issue

RoboPantherRoboPanther Posts: 3
edited 2012-01-18 22:01 in Robotics
Hi All,

I am quite new to the Parallax Propeller, HB25 and Parallax motor spin controllers.
My goal is to control a robot from a c# application. I am able send data to the propeller using the serial terminal to initiate the GoForward() spin function (see code below). I can also retrieve the distance information from the 3 PING sensors. But for some unknown reason the GetSpeed() function is not returning any useful data. Even if the robot is not moving I am getting different values back from this function. Even worse, after a couple of times, to be exact it always happens after 8 calls, the function GetSpeed() gets stuck, the execution just stops there.
(Btw, the function ChkForArrival() doesn't return any consistent data after 'arrival' for me either.)
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Below is the spin code I wrote:
(If I uncomment the line: speedRight := GetSpeed (RightWheel) execution stops after 8 repeat cycles.)

_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
PING_Pin_R = 1 ' Ping sensor pin - Right
PING_Pin_M = 6 ' Ping sensor pin - Middle
PING_Pin_L = 7 ' Ping sensor pin - Left

MPC_Pin = 4 ' Motor Position Controller pin
WMin = 381
QPOS = $08 ' Query Position
QSPD = $10 ' Query Speed
CHFA = $18 ' Check for Arrival
TRVL = $20 ' Travel Number of Positions
CLRP = $28 ' Clear Position
SREV = $30 ' Set Orientation as Reversed
STXD = $38 ' Set TX Delay
SMAX = $40 ' Set Speed Maximum
SSRR = $48 ' Set Speed Ramp Rate
AllWheels = 0
RightWheel = 2
LeftWheel = 1

ping : "ping"
DrvMtr : "FullDuplexSerialPlus"
Terminal : "FullDuplexSerialPlus"

long range_R, range_M, range_L
long speedLeft
long speedRight
byte nRX, nRXCommand, nRXWheels, nRXSpeed, nRXMoveUnits, nReverse

PUB start | i, j, k, nCounter
' motor control
DrvMtr.Start(MPC_Pin,MPC_Pin,0,19200) ' Establish comunications to MPC
Terminal.Start(31, 30, 0, 57600)

GoForward (AllWheels,150)

' send PING sensor obstacle data
Terminal.tx(0) ' 0 indicates the beginning of a transmission
range_L := ping.Inches(PING_Pin_L)
range_M := ping.Inches(PING_Pin_M)
range_R := ping.Inches(PING_Pin_R)
'speedRight := GetSpeed (RightWheel)

' receive direction data
nRX := Terminal.rxcheck
if(nRX <> 255)
nRXWheels := nRX
nRXSpeed := Terminal.rxcheck
nRXMoveUnits := Terminal.rxcheck

GoForward (nRXWheels,nRXMoveUnits)

PRI ClearPosition(Wheel)

PRI GoForward (Wheel, Dist)
DrvMtr.TX(TRVL + Wheel)

PRI PauseMSec(Duration)
waitcnt(((clkfreq / 1_000 * Duration - 3932) #> WMin) + cnt)

PRI GetSpeed (Wheel) | SPD
DrvMtr.TX(QSPD + Wheel)
SPD := 0
SPD.BYTE[1] := DrvMtr.RX
SPD.BYTE[0] := DrvMtr.RX
Return SPD

PRI ChkForArrival (Wheel, Tollerance) | Arvd
DrvMtr.TX(CHFA + Wheel)
Arvd.BYTE[0] := DrvMtr.RX
Return Arvd
PRI WaitForArrival (Wheel, Tollerance) | Arvd
DrvMtr.TX(CHFA + Wheel)
Arvd.BYTE[0] := DrvMtr.RX
Return Arvd

PRI SetMaxSpeed (Wheel, MaxSpeed)
DrvMtr.TX(SMAX + Wheel)


  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2012-01-02 08:33
    Since, in spin, indentation makes a difference you should go back and wrap your code with the CODE tags available in the advanced settings.
  • Tom CTom C Posts: 461
    edited 2012-01-06 06:17
    You might want to take a look at the attached code from the Parallax Object Exchange as an example. Getting the Motor Controller/HB-25 combination to work as expected is no mean feat.
  • RoboPantherRoboPanther Posts: 3
    edited 2012-01-17 22:24
    Thanks Franklin and TCIII for your reply and please excuse my delayed response!
    TCIII, thank you very much for the spin code! I tried it and had some encouraging results retrieving speed data. But for some reason go_Distance(20, ALL_WHEELS) makes only one wheel spin and after a while the wheel starts to go back and forth in rapid succession.

    TCIII, would it be possible that you can post the how you call the library? Below is what I am using (simplified):
      _clkmode                      = xtal1 + pll16x
      _xinfreq                      = 5_000_000
      WMin                          = 381           
      MPC_Pin                       = 4                     ' Motor Position Controller pin
      ALL_WHEELS  = 0
      LEFT_WHEEL  = 1
      RIGHT_WHEEL = 2
      DrvMtr  : "Wheel_Controller"                            
    PUB start | i, j, k, nCounter
      DrvMtr.Start                                          ' Establish comunications to MPC
      DrvMtr.go_Distance(100, ALL_WHEELS)
  • Tom CTom C Posts: 461
    edited 2012-01-18 04:22
    The main calling program was written by Steve Norris from Norris Labs. It was written to work with a Nomad and a CrustCrawler, HB-25 and the Wheel Position Controller. The code for the Nomad is on the Robot Magazine website, but I do not know what issue it was in at the moment. I am providing a link to Steve's website and one of his projects that uses similar hardware. I suggets that you email Steve and ask him about the Nomad code.
    Link to Norris Labs:
  • RoboPantherRoboPanther Posts: 3
    edited 2012-01-18 22:01
    Thanks TCIII! I contacted Steve and hope he'll provide me the spin code. Thanks again!
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