Happy New Year from Sydney, Australia

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year 2012 from Sydney, Australia where it is now 00:16 on 1 January 2012.
May all your dreams come true!
And may we see the Prop II
May all your dreams come true!
And may we see the Prop II

Can we get the lottery numbers from tomorrow. I would really help in purchasing some more Parallax products.
I'm also starting to wonder how many forum members never sleep.
BTW it still 2:08 PM 2011 here.
Not sure what you mean by that Duane. When I'm not logged on, my forum clock is GMT-5, meaning I will see a birthday much earlier than the actual birthday time. I will post then knowing I cant get on till late the next day.
My birthday posts come from the General Forum page. I don't make them up.
Sleep? Not much lately.
And Happy New year from Hell.... I mean Phoenix Arizona. Currently balmy 65F. Guess old scratch has turned off the burners till May.........