USB Documentaion

Hi everyone. I'm building a reprap, and as part of that I've decided to make my own electronics based on our friend the Propeller. The QuickStart board, in fact.
With this in mind, I'd like to use the USB interface as a live connection to an app (that I have yet to write) on the PC end of things.
So, I'm looking for USB communication documentation, or serial, or whatever I would need to make this happen. I've cruised the website and the forums, but a forum search on USB turns up zero results.
Can anyone point me to some docs so I can get this party started?
With this in mind, I'd like to use the USB interface as a live connection to an app (that I have yet to write) on the PC end of things.
So, I'm looking for USB communication documentation, or serial, or whatever I would need to make this happen. I've cruised the website and the forums, but a forum search on USB turns up zero results.
Can anyone point me to some docs so I can get this party started?
The QuickStart schematics show that it uses the FTDI232RL IC, the datasheet and appnotes might be helpful to you, but I would not go around messing with that chips settings since it might render the QuickStart unusable, unless Parallax posts how they configure the chip by default.
So unless you have Parallax's data, it, the QuickStart board, may become un-programmable if you send it your own program. If you are able to program the FTDI chip, the schematics show that there are two free SBUS pins unused for the QuickStart Schematic. Parallax might also just keep the FTDI chips default factory values. I haven't seen much posted on the forum about this, But since Parallax uses the CBUS for the LED's they most likely have it programmed a certain way!
cfox: Welcome to the fabulous world of the prop. The RepRap is ideally suited to the prop chip. However, we still have a way to go to get code running.
The USB link is simple - you just use the FullDuplexObject which outputs serial and we usually run at 115200 baud. The pc end looks like any com port.
Phil has a MakerBot thread in the builders forum (see the forum links at the top of the page).
I have two pcbs that may help. One is a 1.8"sq t/hole design passive motherboard that accepts 4 pololu stepper driver boards (use the A4988 version as it has better protection). I have a pcb using the A4982 or A4984 but I have not assembled it yet. The motherboard has a 1x14 pin header to connect to a prop board. (see my web link in my signature). Basically it is the Sanguino stepper section. I have not yet finalised the Mosfet driver pcb (for hotend and heated bed). I plug these into a prop board of mine, but almost any prop board will work.