Over Clocking Circuit with 6.25MHz Oscillator
Hello All,
I've been reading post after post about how the Propeller can over clock using the 6.25MHz oscillator, but I haven't run across a schematic showing how to do it.
So, does anybody have a schematic and instructions (with guidance) detailing how to overclock the Prop?
Also, what about a schematic for overclocking to 120MHz?
Thanks in advance from this newbie to y'all pros
I've been reading post after post about how the Propeller can over clock using the 6.25MHz oscillator, but I haven't run across a schematic showing how to do it.
So, does anybody have a schematic and instructions (with guidance) detailing how to overclock the Prop?
Also, what about a schematic for overclocking to 120MHz?
Thanks in advance from this newbie to y'all pros

There is a bunch of information about the subject here: http://propeller.wikispaces.com/Oscillator
Welcome to the forums!
If so..GREAT! I prefer KISS
I'm the one who used the 14.31818MHz (common to VGA cards) for 114.5MHz.
As it is me that started Over Clocking. My answer to You are.
For stable functioning be sure You have decoupling capacitors (100nF) on all pairs of Propeller 2-for 40 pins and 4-for 44 pins.
To that at last one 10-33uF tantalum on pair nearest Crystal pins.
You will not find a heat problem with the prop unless you supply incorrect voltages, shorts or similar. But the prop is actually quite resilient as many of us have found.
Overclocking: The max I have attained, with special groundplanes and decoupling is 14.31818MHz PLLx8, but normally ship 6.5MHz (104MHz). Sapieha had one of my DIP boards running at 120MHz for months but I have never been able to get a QFP prop running above 14.31818MHz (114.5MHz) and have not entirely checked that speed anyway.
One thing I forgot mention.
If You build Yours own PCB --- Don't forgot all capacitors needed for Voltage regulators.
Read carefully Data sheets to them and don't omit any capacitor that are recommended in Data sheet to them.